Follow This Path

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Because I'm smart and I haven't mentioned this before, this is set in 2018. 😅😋
"I'm guessing it's not the girls." Billie Joe leaned back into the couch again.

"Wow, you're a great guesser."

It was at that moment, Billie Joe got an idea. A smirk sprawled across his lips, Frank in turn gave him a confused look.

"What are you up to, Armstrong?"

"So are you serious about getting your memory back?"

"Yeah! Totally. I need to know everything."

"Don't say I did warn you. Your damn curiosity could get you in an assload of trouble, but okay." His voice was smooth and slightly mysterious.

"Anything else?"

"Okay, you've got two options here, Iero. One, you could hike up your pink lace skirt and go ask Brendon to do it," He paused, looking over at Frank with a grin as the latter glared him down, "Or two, I could do it for you."

Frank's eyes widened at this new information. He knew Billie Joe was powerful, but not almost as powerful as Brendon.

"You can do that?"

"Didn't I just say I could?"

"Yeah, but--"

He groaned, "Enough of your questions! Frank, decide right now. For sure. Do you want your memory back? I can't take it back from you once I give it, so I hope you didn't fuck up too bad while you were alive."
"Gerard, you've been pacing for like ten minutes straight. Calm down! It's probably not that bad." Ray look up worriedly from his couch at his friend who was pretty much losing his mind.

Gerard chuckled, "Not that bad. That's cute. That's a very nice thought. Not that bad. I wish it weren't that bad!" Words just spilled out of his mouth in a nervous frenzy, "We both know Pete can't keep his mouth shut about anything."

"You called?" Pete appeared behind Gerard with a smirk.

"Do you have like a camera in here or something, Pete? Your entrances are oddly perfectly timed." Ray raised an eyebrow at Pete who simply ignored his question.

"What do you need, Pete?" Gerard shot him a glare.

"For you to calm down. I haven't told anyone about your little secret."

"I haven't the slightest idea what you're talking about." Gerard said simply, crossing his arms and leaning his hips slightly his left.

Pete's eyes were closed. "There it is ag-- Oh, nope. You told me to go away again and locked it right back up. Repressed memories aren't healthy, Gerard."

"What do I care? I'm already dead."

"You should care, at least a little. They're causing you a lot of trouble nowadays." His eyes were open again.

"They're only causing me trouble because you're nosy."

"Call me nosy again. See what happens."

Gerard scoffed, "What's the worst that you could say?"

"Try me."

"You," He poked his nose, "Are very nosy, Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz III."

Pete chuckled, turning to look at Ray, a smirk across his lips, "Hey, Ray? Gerard's got it bad for a demon. A guy demon. And Gerard Arthur Way? Don't ever use my full name again, alright?" and with that, he was gone.
"How do you feel, Frank?"

Frank was too busy wrapped up in his own thoughts to answer. 22 years of memories all came flooding back to him. Every time he laughed, cried, or was angry when he was alive, he could see it all. Those awkward little childhood phases, angsty teen years, past relationships, good and bad. Past girlfriends he regretted because he knew he sure as hell wasn't straight. He had a boyfriend once. His only boyfriend from when he was alive. He would always style his hair different ways, cut it, dye it, let it grow out. All Frank could do was sit back and watch, occasionally messing with his own hair. His boyfriend was also very talented. A singer, an artist, a guitar player. Frank was just amazed a guy like that could fall for him.

Then, came the day he died. The day they both died. March 22nd, 2013, Frank and his boyfriend were out together at night, just taking a stroll under the moonlight. It had been six months since they had first gotten together, but they didn't want to do anything big. They just wanted to enjoy each other's company.

Of course, someone had to ruin it. This isn't a Disney movie.

Actually, two people ruined their evening. Two people out of an alley who just had to jump them. One obviously more experienced and a lot less nervous than the other, seeing as one of them was trembling while holding their gun.

Frank took a step in front of his boyfriend to protect him, telling him to run. He shook his head, refusing to leave Frank's side. Frank's voice was more forceful the second time he told him to run. The last time.

Nervous people shouldn't hold guns.

The guy who shot Frank took off right after he did, leaving one other man to finish off Frank's boyfriend who fell to his knees to cradle Frank in his arms. He didn't care about his own eminent death or that Frank's blood from his torso was soaking into his pants, he didn't want Frank to die alone.

His wish was fulfilled. Frank didn't die alone. He wasn't the only one to die that day.

Even after all that, that wasn't the reason Frank was left speechless.

It was because he had just killed his boyfriend.
Gerard had gone back to his own house by then, basically to escape the embarrassment. He simply sat in silence on his bed with his eyes closed, not sleeping, but running through his thoughts.

He had never done anything insanely good to make up for everything wrong he had done in his life, so why was he in heaven? Sure, he was a bit of a goody-two-shoes, but he wouldn't go as far as to consider himself angel material. Gerard was nowhere near the perfect person. He always had a gut feeling that he shouldn't be in heaven, he didn't belo--

"He... remembers.." The words tumbled slowly from his lips as he was pulled away from his thoughts as his eyes glowed a bright golden color.

A familiar ringtone played from his phone as he picked it up to answer it, "Hello?"

"Gerard?" Frank's voice rang in the speakers.

"Frank? How are you calling me right now?"

"Perks of being Satan's friend, but that doesn't matter now. What matters is.. how the hell are you alive?! I thought you were dead!"

"Oh.. that. My friends, Pete and Ray, found me under that tree when I wasn't quite dead yet and they brought me back up to heaven to help me."

"Alright, I'm going to not even care about that right now because I do have a reason why I called you."

"The reason being?"

"I-I remember you, Gee. I remember everything."

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