Okay But. What Do We Do With Mikey?

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"Gerard, I can explain."

Gerard chuckled mockingly, "Can't you always?"


"Frank.. you.. killed my brother. My baby brother. The one other person I love most in the world. I guess the one person I love. But wait. Not anymore."

"What are you talking about?" Frank tried to get up, but Billie Joe's spell still had him seated.

"Mikey's dead, Frank!" Tears streamed down his face faster than he could wipe them away, "Look at him, look at the blood all over his sheets! Look at the blood all over you.. Just.. Why?"

"I didn't do this! I would never-"

"Then who did? I don't see anyone else looking like a filthy murderer with my brother's blood painted all over themselves!"

"I can't get up, Gerard! If I could, don't you think I would've stopped him?"

Gerard snapped his fingers, letting Frank up, "Stopped who?"

"B- Doesn't matter. Gerard, please, I-"

"Save it, Frank," Gerard wouldn't even look in Frank's general direction.


"Enough with the buts! I've forgiven you for so many things because it was out of your control. You couldn't help being a demon, you couldn't help forgetting me both times, I get that. I don't get this," Gerard glanced at Mikey, "Mikey.. you could've done something, even if it wasn't you. You're strong. You didn't have to just sit there! I'm always there to help you, but the one time.. the one time I need you, you just, what, can't handle it? But guess who had to pay for it. An innocent man who never did anything to you, to anybody. A man I would do anything for. The one person who always gave me hope, who I would even consider becoming an archangel for. And look at me. I did this for him because I thought just maybe I could save him if you didn't let Billie Joe get him first. I just can't... Frank, you know I love you and I always will, but.. I just don't understand you right now."

"I-" Frank's eyes wandered to a figure in the corner who put a finger to their lips, "Um.. What can I do?"

"Nothing. Don't do anything. Especially not right now. Let me try to fix this.. Maybe he hasn't.." Gerard just sighed and walked into Mikey's room. Mikey's eyes were closed and he had some blood leaking from his mouth. And blood pretty much everywhere else. His arms, his legs, his body, even some on his face. Gerard didn't know how to feel, angry at Frank or depressed for Mikey.

"Lindsey? Can you help me? Can you help Mikey?"

"Gerard? What happened?"

"Mikey's dead.. Is he up there?"

"No, no one's arrived today. Yet. I can check with Brendon to see if he's in hell. I wouldn't think so, but if he is, I'll take him up here."

"Actually.. could you take him down to Earth? I wanna try something."

"You're gonna try to bring him back?"

"How'd you know?"

"We're kind of reading each other's minds right now."

"Right.. could you help me?"

"I guess.. it's still the first day and it hasn't affected anyone living.. I guess it could work."

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