Way Too Much Leather And Eyeliner In One Place

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"Gerard? Am I allowed to come out now?" The sarcasm in his tone was evident.

"Not quite yet," Billie Joe chuckled quietly to himself, "Just-"

"Mikey, ru-" Frank's speech was cut off when Billie Joe made his mouth impossible to open.

"Was that Frank?"

"Yeah, but it wasn't important," He quietly snapped his fingers, physically changing into Gerard, and feeling immediately out of place in the white suit, "The things I do for a mission.." He muttered, then cleared his throat, "Want me to come in and show you everything's okay, Mikes?"

"I guess.." Mikey got up from his bed, unlocking the door, "It's open."

'Gerard' stepped inside after opening the door, seeing Mikey looking pretty relaxed on his bed, "See? I'm okay, you're okay, Frank's okay. We're all... okay."

"I'm not. Gee, someone's out to kill me, again!" Mikey's relaxed state was soon replaced with a panicked one, "It's not Frank this time, though, it's some guy named.. Billie.. something. Know who I'm talking about?"

"Billie Joe Armstrong, by any chance?"

"Yeah.. yeah, that sounds about right. I don't even know what I did.. Frank says it's because his boss sucks? That doesn't make any sense, I've just barely met Frank, let alone his boss, so how could I have pissed him off?"

Gerard sighed, shutting the door, "No idea, Mikes, but I can tell you one thing," That caught Mikey's attention, "Staying quiet will make this less painful for all involved."
"Going somewhere, Gerard?" Brendon's voice rang in Gerard's ears when he opened his eyes, seeing he was trapped once again in Brendon's little dark realm.

"Yes. Away from you."

Gerard recognised that voice immediately. It sure wasn't his, too feminine. Too badass, too.


"You called?" Lindsey appeared with a warm smile next to Gerard with a bright aura of white light surrounding her.

"Hello, Lindsey. Nice to see you again after all this time," Brendon didn't even bother to meet Lindsey's gaze. It wasn't really a gaze at that point, more a glare.

"Wish I could say the same."

"Y'know, we're not so different, you and I."

"Big difference: you somehow enjoy the suffering of others."

"Oh, come on. It's hilarious!" Brendon got up with a chuckle, a mischievous smirk crossing his lips, "Have a sense of humour, Lindsey. Don't be so.." He flicked a few of the golden tipped feathers on her wings, "Good. It's not a good look for you."

"You know what's not a good look for y-" Lindsey shot him a threatening glare and Gerard laid a calming hand on her shoulder, "Look, Brendon, you can't keep me here."

"Oh, yeah? Who says I can't? Lindsey?"

"Well, yes."

"Gerard, she's not as powerful as you think. At least not alone. Now," Brendon's tone became patronising, "does little birdie Gerard see any other archangels flying around?" He rolled his eyes, not even letting Gerard reply, "I didn't think so."

"You're wrong."

"Excuse me?"

"I said you're wrong!"

"I am never wrong."

"Now's as good as any time to start."

"Pick your next words carefully, they just might be your last."

That quieted Gerard, "Hey, don't let him psych you out. I believe in you, Gerard," Lindsey's calming voice came from behind him along with a very light kiss on the cheek. It startled him at first as her words echoed in his mind. Everything became a bright and brilliant white. Gerard felt everything about him strangely change, right down to his hair. His wings felt different, his clothes fit differently, his hair wasn't orange anymore, but a bright red. Why was everything changing?

Gerard could feel that he was in someone's arms as he slowly came to. The voices around him were muffled, the scene was dark and blurred. One voice was masculine and angry while the other was calm and more feminine. Brendon and Lindsey.

"Lindsey, what the hell was that?!" Brendon sounded furious.

"Can't fight destiny, Bren."

"Destiny's a bitch."

"So are you. What's your point?"

"Y'know, I've got half a mind to-"

Gerard's groans interrupted their conversation, "..My.. ugh, everything. What even happened?"

"Gerard? You okay?" Gerard looked down to see he was in Lindsey's arms with her smiling slightly at him.

"Yes.. I think. What was that kiss?"

"Look at yourself, Gerard," She let him go so he could look himself over.

Brendon snapped his fingers and smirked, "Yeah. Go ahead."

Gerard looked at his clothes. White suit, orange tie. Nothing was different. Same as any other day.

"Same white suit as always," He shrugged.

"What?" Lindsey gave him a confused look, "What are you talking about? You've got a leather jacket and black skinny jeans on."

"What are you talking about?"

Lindsey shot Brendon another glare to which Brendon put up his hands defensively.

"You think I did something?"

"I know you did, but that's not important," Lindsey snapped her fingers, restoring Gerard's vision, "Now your only plaything is Ryan. Poor guy.."

Brendon scoffed, "Fuck you."

"You wish, sweetie," She glanced over at Gerard who was still trying to get his head around his new appearance, "Gerard, you wanna save your brother or not?"

"Of course."

"Then we have to go. Now."
Billie Joe walked out of Mikey's room licking the blood off his fingers, "Oh my god.. why doesn't Brendon send me out more often?"

Frank winced and looked away, "Cuz you're a fucking psychopath."

"All the more reason why I should get out more, but I can't take all the credit this time," He knelt down next to Frank with a devilish smile.

"How? You went into his room, you did... whatever the hell it is you did, you're the one with all the blood on you."

"Am I?" He pulled out his bloodstained blade, letting it dangle from his hand, "Or is it you, Frank, who deserves the credit?"

"What are you-" Frank was cut off by Billie Joe smearing Mikey's blood all over his face, clothes, and hands.

"And the finishing touch," He placed the blade on Frank's palm, slowly closing his fingers around the handle.

"The hell was that?"

"You see, Frankie. I can't be around when your big, bad boyfriend comes around here cuz," He paused to chuckle, "I don't want to have to deal with his pathetic attempt to hurt me, but if he saw you.. all covered in his darling baby brother's blood. Oh shit. Just imagine how pissed he's gonna be," Billie Joe laughed evilly as he started toward the front door, "Such a pity I've gotta be absent for such events. Guess I'll have to see if you get iced or not. Either way, no skin off my ass."

"I thought.."

"What? We were friends? We are! But.. Job comes first, you know how it is. Now.." He opened the door, partially stepping outside, "Buh-bye now."

Frank sighed heavily as the door slammed. He glanced over at Mikey's lifeless form that was sprawled across his bed, blood soaking the sheets.

"I'm so sorry-"


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