Whatcha Hiding, Gee?

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"Hey, good job, Gee! You didn't pass out!" Frank chuckled and looked at Gerard who was obviously trying way too hard to make sense of what was going on.

"How are you not passing out? I find out I have a kid somehow and she's not even yours! Aren't you mad? Or at the very least, upset?"

"Look at her!" He nodded in Bandit's direction, "Look what you helped make. A person. A beautiful person. How am I supposed to be mad at that? And 'somehow?' Gerard, didn't you take like fifth grade health class?" Having his memories back definitely had its perks when it came to cheering Gerard up. Frank always knew just what to say when Gerard was upset, what he needed to hear and something comical to put a smile on his face.

"Yes, I took fifth grade health class," He smiled a bit, "I just didn't know I was a dad.."

Bandit turned herself to look at Gerard with a small smile. She waved slightly at him and giggled.

"Looks like she loves you already, or y'know, she's just warming up to you, but let's go with the former."

"Gee, thanks, Frank," Gerard jokingly rolled his eyes at Frank and gave Bandit a warm smile, "Hi.." She waved at him shyly. "Is there any chance I could hold you for a little bit, Bandit?" She smiled brightly at him and all but jumped on Gerard's lap, giving him a tight hug that he joyfully returned.

Lindsey caught Frank's attention as she nodded in the direction of the door and walked out with him following close behind.

"You wanna talk, I'm assuming?"

"I thought it'd be easier to tell you now so Gerard can have a moment with Bandit."

"Should I be worried?"

"I guess not, you seem to take shocking stuff pretty well."

Frank scoffed, leaning against the hallway wall, "That's for Gerard. One of us has gotta keep our heads."

She nodded and sat down next to him, "Well.. I'm assuming you want a bit of an explanation behind the whole situation with Gerard, Bandit, and me?"

"An explanation would be nice, yeah."

"Get comfy, this might take a while to get out." She sighed then continued, "Alright, so a few years before you two started initially dating, Gerard and I were together. I was always trying to help him because he had a really bad drinking problem. Sometimes, I would come home and he would just be passed out on the living room floor. It broke my heart. Thankfully, though, after about a year of being together, he sobered up. After a while, one thing led to another, and I was pregnant with Bandit."

"What happened to her?" Frank blurted out while he was processing everything Lindsey was saying.

"I miscarried. Gerard slowly slipped back into his depression. He was so broken up about losing Bandit because he had named her, told everyone about her, and thought everything out. Guess what he went back to."

"He wouldn't, not Gerard. He's too strong to relapse."

"I thought the same thing, but this time, it was worse. It only got worse and I didn't know what to do. He would get so mad or so sad, but I wouldn't give up on him. He gave up on me, on life, and one day.. he told me we were over. I did leave then, but I had Mikey go and check on him all the time. As far as he knows, I'm alive. Even Gerard can't remember how and when I died; I took that away, too. It was exactly a year after we'd lost Bandit, I was out at night, walking over to Gerard's. I needed to check on him. Mikey kept telling me he was doing better, but I needed to see for myself. I couldn't help it, I still loved him." She closed her eyes, leaning up against the wall and taking a deep breath, "It all happened so fast. One second, I was maybe a block or two away from Gerard's house, the next second, a speeding car comes out of absolutely nowhere. I didn't feel anything. I didn't see anything for a full minute until Jimmy, one of my best friends, comes up to me. He had died the year before.. God, that was a tough pill to swallow. Anyway, he had a baby in his arms. A beautiful little baby girl he said was mine. I told him that was impossible, but he explained that unborn babies grow up when they come to the afterlife since they didn't have a chance to. That's how Bandit's 7 now, and hugging her dad that she never knew and always wanted to know her."

"He just can't remember her.." Frank started putting the pieces together. That's why Gerard never talked about his past when they were alive and dating, he couldn't remember it, "Lynz, can't you give him his memories back? Please, he needs to remember his daughter."

"Frank, I.. Before I explain stuff again, let me ask you something. Do you want kids?"

"What's my opinion got to do with anything?"

"Just. Answer the question."

"Well.. yeah. Of course, I'd want kids. Why?"

"You're with Gerard, and I know for a fact, he loves kids. He'd give absolutely anything to have Bandit back if he could fully remember her."

"But Bandit seems like such a shy little thing. Wouldn't she just cling to you like she did earlier?"

"Want that explanation now?"

"I'd appreciate it."

"When it comes to who Bandit wants to go with, since Gerard and I aren't together anymore, I can't control who she goes to. Whether it's me or you and Gerard, it's ultimately her choice."

"That's a lot to dump on a seven-year-old."

"Frank, big picture. 50% hypothetical chance you could be a dad, too."

Frank looked over at Lindsey, finally taking in what she said, "No, I couldn't take Bandit away from you. She's not mine."

"Like I said, it's hypothetical. That's if Gerard remembers her on his own or if I give him his memories back. Honestly, the latter is more likely to happen, but you get my point. I'll only give them back if you think he's ready and you're ready."

"What about you, Mom of the Year? She's your kid, and you seem all eager to give her up. What gives?"

"I've had six wonderful years with her, and I'd love to have more, but it's not up to me."

"Sorry, but that's absolute bullshit. This isn't divorce court, this is the shitty afterlife. Lindsey, Bandit's yours. She should be with you."

"But she's not just mine, she's Gerard's, too. I can't stop her from wanting to be with him just like I can't stop him from loving her when I give his memories back."

"When? What happened to if?"

"I've gotta do it, Frank," She got up and looked down at him with a small smile.

He got up and looked back at her without a smile, "What happened to when I'm ready and he's ready?"

"Think about it. Think about Gerard. He's gotta have his daughter in his life."

"Then.. I know what I have to do, too.." He looked sad as he walked over to the door and opened it to see Gerard playing with Bandit and making her giggle.

"Frank, what are you doing?" He could hear the concern in Lindsey's voice but he didn't care. Frank knew what he had to do and he knew he was gonna do it. It was best for everyone.

"Gee.." He sighed heavily, catching Gerard's attention away from Bandit and onto him. "Gerard, we've gotta break up."

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