Inside the Cage

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"Did I say I like to be kept waiting?" Frank asked as Gerard just stood in the same place he had left him, "Get over here or your ass will be grass quicker than you think."

Gerard slowly turned around, still lost in his thoughts, but at least facing Frank.

'What did he do? It must have been pretty terrible if he ended up in hell. What would have happened if he ended up in heaven? Would he--'

"Hey, Feathers! I'm not gonna ask again! The longer you stand there, the shorter I make round three." Frank interrupted his thoughts because, well, he honestly couldn't care less about Gerard at this point.

After a quick bit of annoyed muttering, Gerard finally complied and walked over to Frank, walking with him.

"The hell were you thinking about over there?" Frank inquired, actually a bit curious.

"Nothing important. Just possible outcomes of this round."

"I would think that you already know what's gonna happen."

"Ah, you may think that, but honestly, we're very evenly matched."

"How? You have some kind of emotional baggage, and I don't, which makes me stronger than you in that sense."

"True, but I have experience."

"Not true, we've been dead for the same amount of time."

"Five years?"


"Hm. What day?"

"March... something. I don't know, late March. It's not important."

"March 22nd for me."

"Fascinating." Frank rolled his eyes.

"Mind if I ask where we're going or is this final round some kind of special surprise destination?"

"Not special, or really a surprise. I just thought you wouldn't want to freak out your brother with a battle going on on his front yard."

"Yes, that would be an odd situation to wake up to." Gerard let out a light chuckle.

"Just a little." Frank cracked a small smile, then stopped in a nearby field, "Here it is. An empty field. Perfect place."

"I suppose so." He turned to Frank, "So, how are we doing this--" Gerard was interrupted by a blow the face by Frank, who shook his hand back and forth a few times afterwards.

"Not like gentlemen, I can tell you that." Frank appeared behind Gerard, "So give it all you've got." And he was gone.

"More hide and seek? How childish." Gerard said, more to himself than Frank as he flew up a few feet in the air to look around the field.

Frank didn't have as much training as Gerard hunting-wise, but he was a smart guy. The kind of smart that revolved around sneaky tactics and clever ways to disguise himself. Extra little things from a certain devilish friend of his were useful at times, but usually were simply accessories to Frank. He was crafty, and could make use of his surroundings and his own personal skills to get a job done. His instincts hadn't failed him yet, and he wanted to keep up that streak.

Gerard, however, was quite fond of little shortcuts and gadgets that helped him complete missions and assignments. He wasn't lazy or stupid by any means, in fact, many of his friends ask him for advice on how to improve their work habits. Gerard was just resourceful in his own way. Natural advantages of his angelic status were also helpful, especially when tracking down demons like Frank, who he was just a few feet away from at that moment.

"Come out, come out wherever you are." Gerard said in a soft voice as he landed two feet away from where Frank was crouched in the tall grass.

Frank used this opportunity of knowing Gerard's location to pounce on the orange-haired man, knocking him off balance. He held down both of Gerard's wrists so he couldn't try to punch him in the face.

"Way to give yourself up. Very smart." Frank gave Gerard a malicious smile.

"Oh, yes. It was very smart of me, actually." Gerard cast Frank high up into the air, flying up to that height and kicking him hard back onto the ground. Frank groaned, but sat up quickly, watching Gerard gently float back down next to him.

"Frank, you got a little..." He touched the space in between his nose and top lip. "blood under your nose there."

Frank growled softly, and punched Gerard square in the face, giving him a nosebleed in return, "There. Now you do, too. Want me to break your ribs so we're completely even?" He didn't even give Gerard a chance to reply as he grabbed his wrist, flipping over the taller man and slamming him into the dirt, knocking the wind out of him,

"You're pretty strong... a little thing like y--"

"Do you really want to finish that sentence?" Frank had shuffled over to Gerard's head with a blade to his throat. "One cheap shot about my height equals one slice in your throat."

"I'll risk it."

"Bold words from an angel."

"Do it, then. Slit my throat."

"Oh, I will. Because you're annoying--"



"Very much so."


"I have a soft spot, yes."

"A know-it-all--"

"Isn't that related to conceited?"

"Shut up!" Frank sliced a mark on Gerard's cheek, earning a small screech of pain from Gerard.

"Alright, alright. Continue." The wound remained while Gerard's nosebleed had healed. Angelic advantages.

"You know what? No. Let me just cut to the chase. You disgust me. You and all your little angel pest friends. You destroy people who already know they're screw ups and act like you're doing a public service. That's sick!"

Gerard's breathing was hitched and shaky as tears clouded his eyes. He never thought about it like that. How was he supposed to respond?

"Don't give me 'pity-me' tears. It's not gonna work. Like I said, there's zero chance of me remembering some kind of history between us and I don't sympathise with assignments." Frank moved the blade from Gerard's cheek to his throat pressed harder into his throat than he had previously.

"You shouldn't. I deserve this." Gerard closed his eyes, but opened them to look at Frank for a little bit.

"Okay, you staring at me is kinda creepin' me out. What are you doing?" Frank looked at Gerard, a confused look written across his face and his grip on the blade loosen ever so slightly. Gerard took advantage of the opportunity and snatched the blade from Frank and knocked him over. He towered over him, keeping the blade close to his throat.

"Whoa, what the hell?" Frank's hand tried to make its way to the blade that was being held by his neck.

"Don't move. I don't want to hurt you." Gerard looked sympathetic toward Frank.

Frank used that moment to powerfully kick Gerard into a tree that was about 10 feet away from them, causing a bundle of leaves to fall and shower down on the slightly unconscious Angel. He quickly appeared next to Gerard and took the blade from his hand, aiming it toward his torso.
"How you ever completed an assignment is beyond me."
lol does anyone actually read this?? ~hilaremCantor

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