Running Away is For The Weak

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"Bren, stop being so cryptic. It's your fault you brought it up. You might as well tell me the things I don't already know about you," Ryan was perched on the edge of Brendon's desk by then, legs crossed.

"I could, but with that big mouth of yours, how can I even trust you with the smallest of things?"

Ryan simply chuckled, leaning closer to Brendon's face, basically just being a huge tease at this point, "You trust this mouth with other things, and it's always been faithful. Now, spill."
"Frankie, I've really gotta get to my missions for the day. They're starting to pile up," Frank had Gerard wrapped in a tight hug on the couch, refusing to let him go.

"Just five more minutes?"

"You said that like an hour ago."


Gerard sighed, finally escaping Frank's grasp, "I know, sugar. I don't wanna go, either," He got up and gave Frank a light kiss on the cheek, "but I've gotta do my job."

"What am I supposed to do while you're gone?"

"Hang out here? If Ray, Pete, or Patrick come by, you can talk with them. They're pretty cool," He walked over to the front door, "Don't worry, you'll be fine," He flashed a smile before walking out.

"If you say so," Frank leaned back on the couch, staring up at the ceiling and drifting off into his thoughts.

"Hello, Frank."

"Whoa!" Frank snapped out of his stupor and looked at the stranger standing in front of him, "Uh... hi?"

"Hi," The man held out his hand toward Frank, "I'm Pete."

"Frank.." He tentatively shook Pete's hand.

"Oh, I know."


"Well, if you think too hard about it," Pete flopped down on the couch next to Frank, "then yeah. Kinda. I've heard a lot about you."

"I could say the same thing."

"Now it's my turn to say 'weird.'"

"Gerard talks about you sometimes and from the sound of it, you're kind of an ass."

"He said that?"

Frank shrugged, "It was implied."

After muttering something to himself, Pete just rolled his eyes and continued speaking, "What are you doing here?"

"Waiting for Gerard to get back from his little missions."

"You're waiting here?"

"Yep. Got a problem with that?"

"I personally couldn't care less what you do, but someone else might."

"Oh, really? Who?"


"Oh, him? Yeah, okay. I'm fine, then."

"What?" Frank's response caught Pete by surprise, "You're not even a little worried?"



"He likes me too much," He chuckled to himself, "That's why."

"That's actually insane."

"You're tellin' me."

"Pete, what are you doing at Gerard's house?" Patrick suddenly appeared behind Pete, catching Frank off guard and by surprise.

"And there's another one," Frank gave Patrick a confused look.

"Oh, hi! I'm Patrick," He gave Frank a bright smile.

"Nice hat. I'm Frank."

"Heh, thanks, Frank."

Pete got up from the couch, walking over to Patrick and taking his hand in his, "Well, this has been nice and all. Frank," He turned to face Frank, "you're very interesting. I plan on talking to you again sometime."

"Alright then."
"You did what?"

"You heard me."

"Brendon, what in the actual hell? That's like scraping the bottom of the barrel of low."

"Aw, thanks, babe."

"No, babe, that's not a good thing."

"I'm not a good thing. Deal with it."

"I just.." Ryan sighed, "can't believe you sometimes."

"Look, I don't like making you upset, but.. the kid had potential. I wasn't about to let him waste it in heaven."

"Yeah, but you screwed with his relationship."

"Collateral damage. He's a tough guy, he can deal with it."

"Yeah, but-"

"You sound like such an angel sometimes! What the hell, Ryan? Just learn to deal with it because it's done, it's in the past, and you can't change it! Oops, sorry to break it to ya!"

Ryan was shocked or mad or upset, he was more a mixture of all three, "Then can you change it, All Powerful Satan?"

"Dad and I both have to agree, and you know how I feel about even looking at the guy."

"So, just in summary, because you're a sick, stubborn little son of a bitch-"

"Dangerous territory you're stepping in."

"Shut up and let me talk," Ryan shot Brendon a glare, then continued, "Frank's in the wrong place, separate from his boyfriend who, from what I've heard, is a pretty nice guy, and he pretty much hated you now because he knows what you did."

"Yep. His boyfriend, Gerard, I think, honestly is no good for him."

"And why's that?"

"Because he's good."

"And Frank's not?"

"If he were meant to be in heaven, he would've made it there no matter what I did, now wouldn't he?"

"I.." Ryan thought for a moment, "I guess."

"You guess right. Now," Brendon leaned back in his chair, "I'm absolutely tired of this meaningless conversation. Ry, just don't worry your pretty little head about it. Frank's perfectly fine. Bet he's with that angel now."
A knock came at the door right when Frank was in the middle of figuring out the rest of the song he was working on for Gerard. He reluctantly went to answer it, finding two guys who looked just about ready to kill someone.

"Frank Iero?"


"Come with us."

"Dammit, Pete. Frickin' tattletale," Frank said more to himself than anyone else as the two men grabbed him under his arms and hauled him away.

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