A Time That Gerard Forgot

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This could've gone one of two ways. I took the alternative route.
"Took it away? I thought angels remembered their lives.."

"They do! Unless a higher power takes it all, or some of it in your case, away."

"Why would you do that?"

"Because.." She sighed, defeated, "Because.. while you were living, you were so happy with Frank. I didn't want you to have to live with a past relationship dragging you down, so I just.. made myself disappear from your memory."

"So.. is that why you helped me? Is that why you made me an archangel?"

"Yes and no. Yes, that's partially why I helped you, and no. You were always meant to be an archangel no matter what anyone did. By anyone, I mean Brendon. David made sure he couldn't interfere with you this time."

"Hm.." He closed his eyes and thought for moment, letting out a deep breath after he opened his eyes again, "I think I'm alright," He glanced over at Frank who gave him a half-assed smile in return, "Frank?"

"My turn already?" Frank replied curtly and sarcastically.

"Yes," Gerard rolled his eyes, "Go ahead then."

"Alright, prepare to feel so bad, you'll be begging for forgiveness."

"I doubt it."

"We'll see who's right. So, you see all this blood on me and the knife and all that jazz?" Gerard nodded and let Frank continue, "Not my fault. This was all Billie Joe. Mikey, back me up here. I think he trusts you more than he trusts me at the moment."

"Okay, Gee, first off. Cool it with Frank, you dork. My death wasn't his fault, so quit acting like it was. It really was Billie Joe. He walked in here, looking and sounding like you, and I stupidly bought it. Next thing I know, a blade gets dragged across my throat, my ghostliness pops out of my body, and.. well, I could go on, but I'll spare you the gory details. I can say I watched him walk back out, looking and sounding like himself again, and," Mikey rolled his eyes and groaned, annoyed, "Let's just say he looked pretty satisfied with himself. Right, Frank?"

"Satisfied enough to start licking blood off his fingers? Yeah."

"Then he just smeared the rest of the blood left on him on Frank, placed the blade in his hand, and left. Perfect cover up when the one you're blaming can't move."

"So, to sum it all up, there isn't anything I could've done to stop Billie Joe.. and I'm really sorry, Gee. If you want, we can go out and find Billie Joe later, kick his ass a bi-"

"Stop," Gerard couldn't bring himself to look at Frank, "Why did you hide that from me if it wasn't even your fault?"

"I'd rather have you mad at me than Billie Joe. If I would've told you, you probably would've gone after him, and for what? So you can avenge Mikey, but die in the process? I couldn't risk that. Billie Joe's a lot more powerful than you think."

"Well," Gerard pulled his knees up to his chest, wrapping his arms around his legs and resting his chin on his knees, "Thanks for caring, I guess."

"I'll take that as an apology."

"Take it however you want, but we're not done talking. For right now, we are, but we're coming back to this."

"We sound like an old married couple."

"Happy wife, happy life," Gerard smirked then looked over at Mikey and Lindsey, "Didn't you guys have something?"

"Um.." Mikey looked at Lindsey for help, "I think it can wait.." Lindsey nodded slightly in agreement.

"Yeah, Gerard. It's for the best, trust me."

"So sorry to interrupt. Well, not really, but that's not the point," Frank chimed in, "Just thought I'd tell you that it's about 10-15 minutes tops until sundown. So, uh, Gerard, if you wanna do your little seance thing with Mikey, I suggest you get on with it."

"What?" Gerard got up, pulling the curtains away from the window so he could see that Frank was right. The sky was a swirl of peach, blues, and yellows, "How'd you know that with the curtains drawn?"

"I'm a demon, babe. Little skill I picked up over the years. I know when it's night, it's time to play, or in this case, get on with messing around with Mikey the Friendly Ghost here and his corpse."

"What, so now I'm a cartoon?" Mikey raised a sarcastic eyebrow at Frank who smirked.

"If the pillowcase fits.."

"Alright, that'll do, Frank," Lindsey rolled her eyes at him, "but you're right. We better hurry up before it's midnight. Unless, of course, Mikey's not okay with this?"

"I mean.." Gerard gave Mikey a shocked look, giving Mikey a chuckle, "Just kidding, Gee. Calm down. I'd much rather be alive. Gives you less to worry about."

"I guess."

"It's pretty simple, Mikey," Lindsey smiled reassuringly as she explained, "You just hop into your body.. y'know what, no. It's a corpse at this point, sorry. Anyway, once you're in there, I heal you up, then Gerard seals you in, and Frank.. doesn't do anything."

"Well, pardon me for not being.. like you guys."

"Um.." Mikey looked at all of them, clearly very confused, "Y'know everything you guys just said? It doesn't make any sense. Whatsoever."

Frank shrugged nonchalantly, "Secret keeping is the name of the game, Mikey, but we don't have time to talk. Lindsey and Gerard have gotta do their thing and I've gotta jet so.. good luck and have fun living again," He gave a half-assed smile to Mikey before vanishing.

"Okay, what was-"

"Frank's right, Mikey," Lindsey started with Gerard nodding in agreement, "We've gotta get going with this."

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