Dead End

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"Don't worry, sweetheart. I'll make this really quick." Frank took a quick glance at Gerard's eyes. They were scared, terrified even, "What?"

"I didn't say anything," Gerard tried to mask the fear in his voice.

"You didn't have to, your face says enough. Look, you've already died before, that's done. Just cuz I have to kill you this time doesn't me you have to give me that face."

"I was scared enough the first time. I never thought I'd have to do it again."

"Well, I can't say I know how you feel."



"Do you sing?"

Frank was a little taken back by the question, "That's.. A weird question to ask when you're about to die, dude."

"I just wanted to know. You seem like the musical type. Maybe you sing or play some sort of instrument."

"I don't have the time to focus on musical things nowadays. Maybe when I alive," He shrugged, "Hey, wait. Are you majorly stalling?"

"Perhaps.. Or I just wanted a proper conversation with you."

Frank pulled Gerard up by him shirt collar, pulling close to his own face, "Flattery will get you absolutely nowhere." He tossed him back against the tree.

"Alright then. My wishes have been fulfilled." Gerard calmly leaned against the tree, closing his eyes.

"All your dumb questions have been asked and answered?"

"Yes." Gerard's eyes were still closed, but he felt a drop of water land on his shoulder, "Frank?" He opened his eyes.

"I thought I answered all your questions, but what?"

"Is it going to rain?"

Frank looked up at the clouds which had gone from light and fluffy to dark grey and huge. A few drops of water fell on his face, "I'd say yeah, judging by the clouds, Feathers."

"So, I have to die in the rain. How melancholy." Gerard didn't move much, closing his eyes again, and just letting the rain pour down on him, "Seems to be a downpour from the north."

"Pretty odd observation from someone with their eyes closed." Frank gave Gerard a confused look.

"I suppose so," He let out a light chuckle, "Now, don't you have a job to do?"

"Well, it's no fun if you want me to kill you," A look of disappoint replaced the confused look on Frank's face.

"It's not that I want you to kill me, I've just simply accepted my fate."

Frank sighed, "I totally won't miss the way you talk.." He muttered to himself.

"And what's wrong with my manner of speaking?"

"It's so eloquent, it's.. really annoying."

"And the truth spills out."

"Hey, you're the one who asked."

"Well, if we're being honest now, I might as well tell you that I absolutely despise your tattoos." Gerard opened his eyes again to look at Frank's hands, "Halloween? How is that even significant? It's just a holiday for children."

"I don't know, it's one of things I forgot. But," He pointed the blade toward Gerard's nose, "I wouldn't try to piss off the guy who's gonna kill you."

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