Petals of the Fallen

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David was waiting patiently in his office for Gerard and Frank's return, smiling at them when they did walk in.

"I'm glad to see everything is alright between you two."

"Yep, we're all good now," The two boys sat down in their chairs, "Is there anything else we have to know?" Gerard piped up.

"Not unless there's anything else you'd like to ask me."

Frank looked to Gerard who slightly shook his head in reply, "Nope, I think we're good."

"Alright. You boys are free to go. It was good to finally speak with you both."

"It was amazing to talk with you, sir," They both said at the same time, chuckling a bit afterwards.

David smiled, "I'll see you again, don't worry, but I believe you have other 'dates' to get to," He winked at them both, "Run along, now."

They didn't even question how David knew about their prior engagement with Brendon. They didn't need to. David Bowie was God. It was just his thing to know everything.
"Into the hellhole we go," Frank squeezed Gerard's hand reassuringly as they popped down into the hall leading up to Brendon's office.

It was lined with red velvet and blood stains, all leading up to two large oak doors with golden handles and a goat skull on each of the doors.

"I suggest knocking first. God knows what he's doing if Ryan's there," Frank rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"That'd be really weird if David was creeping on Brendon like that," Gerard smirked at his own joke.

"You know what I mean.. ya nerd," He gave him a playful nudge, "Just go knock."

Gerard did just that, "Hello?"

"Who's there?" A voice familiar to Frank answered from the other side of the door.

"Gerard. Gerard Way."

"Oh, alright. Come in," The door opened slowly by itself, revealing a brown haired man, smirking maliciously as he sat in his large red leather chair, "Nice to finally meet you, Gerard. And Frank," He leaned slightly to the left, "Yeah, I see you over there. I don't care if you stay or not, but you're lettin' in a draft so pick one."

"What, is Ryan shirtless in the corner?" Frank walked in firstt with Gerard following shortly after him.

"Nah, he left a while ago."

"So, what? Is this an interview or something?" Frank immediately piped up as he and Gerard sat down.

"Gerard," Brendon to to him, completely ignoring Frank, "You haven't said much since you came here. Are you scared?" He dragged out the last word a bit longer than the rest.

"Don't screw with him, Brendon," Frank shot Brendon a cold look.

"I do what I want, Frank," Brendon still had his eyes fixated on Gerard who sat rather uncomfortably in his seat, not making eye contact with him.

"Hello..." Gerard finally said in a small voice.

"Well, at least that's something. Am I really that intimidating?"

"A're kinda Satan.."

"Oh, so our little angel's from New Jersey?"


"Alright. Enough bullshit," Frank chimed in, making his way over Brendon's desk, "Look, Brendon, we talked to David, and yes," He chuckled a bit more sinisterly than he needed to, "I do mean God, your dad, and we know you messed me up somehow. What did you do?" He spat out the last sentence with force and anger in his voice.

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