Silently Hidden

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"Gee? You awake?" A hushed voice woke Gerard from his dreamless sleep.

Yes, angels can sleep, they just don't dream. Or at least Gerard doesn't.

"I am now." Gerard turned to face Frank, immediately sitting up once they met eyes, "Frank? What are you doing here? How did you even get in?"

"That's doesn't matter," Frank let out a small laugh, "Nice Star Wars pajamas, though."

Gerard playfully rolled his eyes, and patted a spot on his bed next to him, "Come on."

Frank seized the moment, climbing onto Gerard's bed, "I had to see you."

Gerard smiled and turned on his lamp on his nightstand, "White clothes, huh?" He raised a suspicious eyebrow.

Frank gave a shrug, "If I'm going to sneak into somewhere, I've got to make it believable. That's like sneaking 101."

"Well, that look suits you very well."

"Yeah, right. My arm tattoos totally clash with the purity of the white," He looked over at Gerard, "Hey, wait. Remember when you said you hated my hand tattoos? Was that true?"

"Of course not, but I had to retort with something."

"Hey, Gee?"


"Why do you really talk like that? You sound so.. proper. It's really weird. You never sounded like that when we were together the first time."

"I just wanted to fit the role of an angel. No one I know speaks in the same manner, but you know me. I tend to exaggerate a bit."

"Okay, seriously. Stop."

"Alright, alright. Better?" Gerard's Jersey accent was more evident.

"Much. Thanks."

"No problem. So, did you just come here for kicks and giggles or is there a reason?"

"I figured since we both have missions during the day, we'd have to meet sometime at night."

"Okay, but don't demons need to sleep?"

"We can, but we don't have to. We're basically just hell's little powerhouses. Built for anything."

"Angels are the same, but some of us don't mind sleeping."

Frank smiled, "Glad you're finally relaxed enough to be you again. I missed that sass of yours."

"I just missed you."

"I missed you, too. I just never realised it until today," Frank slid off Gerard's bed, "I'd better let you sleep."

"Frankie.. don't leave."

"You know I can't resist when you call me that."

"I know. That's why I said it," Gerard gave Frank a smirk as Frank walked back over to his bed, sitting back down.
Frank had slipped out by the time Gerard woke up. He left him a simple note on his nightstand.

'Figured I'd sneak back out before you got in major trouble for being with me. Hope you got a good rest-of-the-night sleep. See you soon. xoFrnk'

Gerard smiled at the note, "Same old Frank."

"Yeah, yeah. Very sweet, cute even." Pete appeared next to Gerard's bed.

"Is someone jealous?"

"No, and since when is.." Pete glanced at Gerard's pajamas, "Luke Skywalker from New Jersey?"

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