Next On The List

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"Mikey Way? He's just a human. Brendon only sends you on important missions," Ryan looked over Frank's shoulder at the form Billie Joe had handed him.

"Oh, I think he's important to somebody."

"Yeah, just a bit.." Frank scanned over the form once more.


"Gerard Way, Ryan. That's Gerard's name. Mikey Way is his younger brother that Brendon obviously wants dead because he's tied to Gerard. I bet he's gonna go after him next," Frank looked up at Billie Joe, "You can't."

"It's not up to me."

"You can choose not to."

"Cute. You think it's that simple."

"It is! You're so powerful, you can basically do whatever the hell you want and Brendon wouldn't even bat an eye!"

"Look, kid," Billie Joe was calm, "I can't, I physically can't, disobey an order."

"The hell are you talking about? You-"

"Shut up and let me talk!" He pulled on his green tie, "See this? Do you ever see me wear any other tie? Ever?"

"Well, no.. I just thought you only had one tie, or it was your favourite."

"Oh, trust me, if I could take it off, I would, but it's.. it's basically-okay, this'll take a second to explain, so get comfortable," Billie Joe pointed to the ground, and Ryan and Frank had a seat.

"Alright, so, I'm sure you both know how I even ended up here, but you don't know all the details," He sighed, then continued, "So, you know Brendon and how he likes making deals and all that shit? Yeah, well, let's just say I wasn't as smart 200 years ago as I am now. All I thought when Brendon offered to get me out of Purgatory was 'Yeah! I'm gettin' out of this hellhole!' but then he started talking about a deal. Long story short, I kinda tuned out until he held out his hand to me with a smirk. Next thing I knew, I had a new tie, way too many new powers, and a boss who could kill whoever he wanted whenever he wanted, including me. I found out decades later what Brendon's little deal was. I had to basically be his manservant. Come when called, do whatever he wanted 24/7, 365 with the ever occasional 366. If I so much as question my assignment, my ass is pretty much grass and this damn thing," He tugged on his tie in anger, "tortures me somehow for an indefinite amount of time. It's different every time, I've learned. I can't screw up the assignment, either. Heh. That gets ugly. Ryan, quit givin' me that look, dude. It's not even that unbearable anymore."

Frank looked over at Ryan who was giving Billie Joe a terribly sorrowful look that was soon wiped away into a casual one.

"Sorry.." Ryan's voice was small.

"You were saying?" Frank looked up at Billie Joe.

"Right, so, Frank," He turned to look back at Frank, "just lettin' you know the whole situation. I know you are totally into this guy's brother, and I'm happy to take a bullet for you, man, but this is basically like diving into the jaws of death when I could've avoided it."
Even though Gerard couldn't physically be there to protect Mikey, he always made sure to have Pete peek in on him every once in a while. Specifically Pete. No one else was better at snooping on people.

"Gerard!" Pete popped right next to Gerard, looking pretty panicked.

"Geez! You sure have nerve talking to me, but," Gerard was in the middle of pouring himself a cup of coffee, "Yes, Pete? Wow, I need to put a bell on you," He muttered the last part to himself, but Pete still heard him and rolled his eyes.

"I'm gonna ignore half of that for now and come back to it in a sec. I took my regular little peek at Mikey, y'know, the usual, but this time, I think he's in trouble."

"In trouble? How?"

"He's an assignment."


"Billie Joe Armstrong."

"Please tell me there's another not-as-powerful, not-as-dangerous, probably-couldn't-and-wouldn't-kill-Mikey-in-one-move Billie Joe Armstrong."

"Can't say such a guy exists."


"Well, what are you doing just standing there? What's the plan?"

Gerard's phone went off before he could answer.


"Gee? It's Frank, and, uh, I've gotta tell you something. You're not gonna like it."

"Bet I already know."



"Fuckin' snoop."

"Sometimes it comes in handy, but Frank, please. You've gotta stop Billie Joe from getting to Mikey."

"I can't. I'm sorry."

"Why not?"

"It's complicated. I swear I'll explain later-wait. Shit."


"He just took off."
It was about a quarter after 4 AM on Earth, and Mikey was fast asleep. That is, until he heard loud knocking at his front door. Like any rational person, he grabbed the nearest thing to him that could be used as a weapon, aka his pillow with a unicorn pillowcase, and slowly walked toward the door. He tentatively opened the door with a tight grip on his pillow in the other hand, revealing a dark-haired man, once again shorter than himself, but a completely different person nonetheless.

"Hi," The man gave a small wave.

"Hi.." Mikey was still a little groggy from sleep.

"I'm really sorry in advance," Billie Joe looked sorry for a split second before the tie shocked him, "Screw it, let's just do it here."

"Wh-" Mikey was cut off by a hand around his throat.

"And just what do you think you're doing, Billie Joe Armstrong?" Gerard's familiar voice gave Mikey a smile and Billie Joe a slight fright as he loosened his grip slightly.

"Wow. You sounded more like my mom than his brother. Anyway, what does it look like, genius? I'm doing my job."

"You're not going to hurt my brother."

"Oh, yeah?" Billie Joe turned to look at Gerard, snapping his fingers to keep Mikey in one place, "And how are you gonna stop me?"

"Not alone," Frank appeared by Gerard, holding his hand.

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