Bonus Chapter- A fresh start

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Yo check out my other stories to keep updated with me and pay attention to the a/n at the end!!!!!


A lot has happened since school ended. I was stuck in this little funk for a while that I couldn't get out of for some reason. It was like life was hitting me hard and I was stuck because I didn't know what to do. Obviously my friends and I hung out every chance we could get but as soon as college was starting, they all left. Even Katelynne left. She went out to New York to pursue her dreams of becoming a model. I was proud of her of course but I felt left out of everything. After they all left everyone became busy and they hardly had time to talk to me. They stopped talking to me after a while and it was like our friendship went down the drain. No one made any connection with each other and I didn't even know if any of us were friends anymore.

My feelings towards Tay changed after a while. I noticed that with my mom working and the kids at summer camp, she was the only one there for me. She talked to me and joked around with me and we did things with each other like go to the mall or go hiking. She was a really down to earth girl and I admired that about her. She gave me great advice and helped me learn to move on from the past. She even helped me out by helping me applying to more colleges. Her determination to help me succeed made me happy and made me feel worth something. She knew that she couldn't be Hayley but she was trying her best to be a role model in my life.

No one has heard from Hayley at all and that still saddens me but one thing that I learned from Tay is to always forgive and forget.

Have I forgiven Vic? No, that was the one thing I couldn't do yet. I had no idea where he was or what he was doing. Did I at least forget him? Yes, I forgot everything that ever happened between us and I just act like it was nothing to me. Tay tries to touch the topic at times but I always tell her to just forget about it because it was in the past now and I didn't care for him anymore.

Thanksgiving rolled around and I still haven't heard from any colleges but I didn't expect to considering that they must have many applications to sort through. The one thing I was waiting on was a text from my friends. Just something saying that they coming back like we had agreed on but there was nothing. Nothing from Katelynne. Nothing from Nick or Gabe. Nothing from Jack. There was nothing from Justin. He was the only one who at least tried to keep in touch with me after everyone left but he got busy and I didn't blame him for that considering that he always told me and apologized for it.

I lied in my bed, looking up at the ceiling as the sun began to rise filling the room with natural light. I rubbed my eyes and began to stretch my body as I decided it was time to get up for my morning ritual. Yes I had a morning ritual now because Tay told me that it could help me relax and calm down and help me feel at peace. I got up and got changed into some shorts with a baggy shirt before putting my hair in a bun. I jogged downstairs and saw my mom having a cup of coffee.

"Hey Kellin." She said giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey, is it okay if Tay and I start cooking before you come home so the food will be ready? We thought maybe this thanksgiving we should give back to you since you cook all the time."  I said putting my shoes on and tying them up.

"Yeah of course! Just don't burn the house down." She joked and finished her coffee before grabbing her keys and saying a quick goodbye.

I walked out the door shortly after her and began to run around the block and making it to the trail that I usually run. After twenty five minutes I turned around and began to make my way back home so I could shower and wake up the kids.

When I got home i was hit with the sweet smell of coffee and the warmth of my house hugged me. I kicked my shoes off and went to the restroom and turned on the water, making sure it was the perfect temperature before I hopped in. I quickly washed my hair and my body before getting out and wrapping myself in a towel. I stared at myself in the mirror for a while and just noticed how much I changed, physically and mentally. I was losing weight and I looked a bit slimmer now that I no longer had to eat the schools horrid lunch food and my face just looked brighter. I no longer had bags under my eyes or dried tears on my face and just the thought made me smile because I was starting to feel better and move on.

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