Chapter Twenty Four

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In the morning, or the afternoon I should say since we woke up at one, we get ready to leave back home. I'm very sad, leaving my homeland, but Rob promises me we'll come back. Thank god for the people Rob can get otherwise we would have been late simply from packing our bags. We step into the limo, both of us wearing dark sunglasses since we both have small hangovers. Accompanying us on the limo and flight are Alex and Serena. Everything runs smoothly until we get on the jet where Rob insists I follow him to some back room on the jet.

It ended up being a small room with a bed in it. We slept the entire flight! No funny business, no drinks, not even a kiss until the end. The waiter knocked loudly on the door towards the end of the flight and I could feel Rob's lips trace kisses from my jaw to my chest waking me up... Mmmm Robert's lips.

We all arrive to his place in my car, thank goodness for the SUV following us because the luggage would have never fit in my car with 3 passengers. I kiss and hug Robert goodbye, he's got his filming to do tonight and all day tomorrow and ill see him Tuesday afternoon for rehearsal. It's hard to let him go especially after such a great weekend. I feel my heart sinking into my belly, I truly love him.

I drop off Serena and Alex at his place since she's spending this week before graduation at his place.

"Use condoms you crazy kids!" I tease as I drive off heading home.

When I arrive I can't help but feel empty. I miss the Puerto Rico air, the beach, I miss my man. We have a connection and it just passed its test. I feel my phone vibrating in my bag and I immediately open it up over my kitchen counter spilling all it's contents everywhere.

"There you are damnit!" I say to my phone, yes an inanimate object.

I look and see its Iron Man, that's his name on my phone.

"You have spectacular timing" I say to him.

"Why is that baby?"

"I'm home and I just, I feel anxiety because I miss you."

"Don't be sad, I'm going to see you tomorrow on video chat and Tuesday for rehearsal!"

"I know babe, but this mini vacation made us so much closer. I miss you more than I expected." It's the truth. In such little time my heart has rented Robert a place to stay and soon a mortgage! I laugh on the inside as he tells me his plans for tonight and tomorrow.

We hang up with 'I love you's' and I organize myself for the week ahead of me. I cuddle up on my couch and enjoy a cup of ice cream with whip cream and watch TV until I head to bed.


It's Tuesday morning and I'm ecstatic to see Rob today. We can't do anything afterwards since he has to fly out again so that means I won't be able to kiss him until maybe Thursday. So I will have to withstand the tremendous amount of sexual tension between myself and my man while he's holding me close, dancing with me. I haven't seen him in person since Sunday afternoon, yesterday we video chatted while he was on his way to work and just the sight of him made me happy, today ill be a nervous wreck!

I'm wearing my yoga pants with a loose top and I arrive to the rehearsal room early as usual, but to my surprise my boyfriend is already here. I scan the room to see if Mrs. Dawson is there and there's no sign of her. God I hope rob can contain himself, she could walk in any minute.

Robert approaches me, "You look so sexy babe." He bites his lips, making me bite mine. God I want him.

"You look good too hun" I say calmly to him.

"Shall we commence practice?"

"Sure" I say calmly.

I plug in my phone and play the song assigned to us. We begin rehearsing and it's pretty damn good! Here comes the intimate part though, where we sway our hips against each other, right left and around. I feel his fingers dig into my skin and his teeth sink into my neck.

"Mmmm" I let a moan escape my lips. No! Damnit Robert!

"Babe stop. She could walk in any minute and someone could see us." But this doesn't stop him. I feel his tongue on my neck and his hand on my ass. Why does he do this to me?! I turn away from him escaping his grasp and I see a look on his eyes I haven't seen yet. A mixture of madness and desire. He is all instinct now.

He charges at me and pins me against the wall his arms holding mine up. He kisses me with such passion I'm wondering if he really needed this? Is he ok? Bad day for him? When he lets me breathe I try to get him to think clearly.

"Baby believe me I want you but please, we can't get caught. Please Robert, try to think."

He puts his forehead against mine and gives me a longing look. My poor guy,what's wrong with him?

"What's wrong Rob?"

"I just missed you, that's all." I hear footsteps coming down the hall.

"Meet me at my car when we're done babe and we'll talk ok? I love you." He smiles and says, "I love you too babe."

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