Chapter Twenty Six

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I spend Wednesday with my family who lives nearby me and I video chat with Rob later at night. He looks so damn sexy, I love his Tony Stark goatee and boy do I miss him. It's like I want to be with him every second of everyday, ugh. I look at my ring often and it's like having a piece of him here with me.

It's Thursday and we get to practice alone earlier than usual, about noon since we have to meet with the director later. We take it very seriously since tomorrow afternoon is our performance at the banquet. We haven't seen much of the other celebrities or my fellow seniors. Last time I saw them was during finals week and we were all cramming like crazy. We all have to meet with the director and other performance holders in an hour.

Robert smiles and kisses me, but is focused today and I'm glad. I'm nervous about tomorrow! We finish our practice and are satisfied with the outcome. We are ready. We head to the gym to meet with the director and we learn the pace of the banquet and where our performance fits in in regards to the rest. We are handed a program/schedule of tomorrow and everything starts at ten in the morning. We're going to spend the night at my house and the weekend god knows where, Robert and his surprises...

I head to my car to meet Robert so we can head to my place and then out to dinner. I've been waiting for twenty minutes already, what could be holding him? I text him and nothing, let me try giving him a call. Out of no where I hear knocks on my car. There he is and he looks frustrated.

"Let me drive" he says and I step over into the passengers seat. He is in a hurry.

"Is the Mandarin on your ass again? What's wrong?" He drives out of the parking lot and into the highway the opposite way of my house.

"Paparazzi were on my ass questioning me. They even asked if you were my girlfriend."

"Well relax babe it's only a few more days till we can go out anywhere hand in hand. It's no big deal. Now where are we going?"

He smiles at me, surprise surprise. I look behind us to see if there's any black car with luggage following us. Nope. Well then let me just take my usual car nap and when I wake up we'll be there.

I woke up and we're in traffic. Great.

"Where are we going? Tell me please babe" I beg.

"Hmmm..." He's thinking whether or not he should tell me. I notice that we're in New Jersey.

"We are headed to the shore." He says with a devious little smile.

"You'd better tell me what that smile is about mister." I say crossing my arms.

"Serena and Alex are in the car behind us."

"Ha Ha! I love you, you know that?" I say happily to him.

We arrive at a house just on the water. I guess he's renting this out for tonight. It's beautiful! I get out of the car and run to Serena.

"Why can't you ever fill me in?" I punch her arm softly.

"I'm not ruining your boyfriends surprise! A. He's iron man B. he's incredibly romantic and C. He made us promise!"

We hug and laugh together, Rob and Alex greet each other and go inside ahead of us, they must be in their own world.

Serena and I enter and it is beautiful. All light wood floors, fully furnished. The living room leads on to a porch which leads to the beach. Upstairs there are three rooms and two and a half bathrooms throughout the house. The kitchen looks like something out of those home decorating magazines. He picks the best places for such little time, I wonder what he'll pick for a week or more stay?!

It's four p.m. and Serena and I are upstairs putting on our bathing suits. We have something to eat and have some fun on the beach. We play volleyball, make sand castles, tan, swim and relax.

"I love your boyfriend. He's about as awesome in real life as he is on the big screen!" Serena says to me.

"He's pretty extravagant. He looks damn good in swim trunks too" I say biting my lips as I watch him come to shore from having a swim. He picks up the pace and is running towards us now. He picks me up in his arms and says to Serena, "I'm going to steal her from you, k?"

"Sure" she says laughing. He carries me into the house and up the stairs and puts me down at the top of the stairs and tells me to follow him.

We enter our room and there is a door leading to a bathroom. We enter the bathroom and stop in front of a huge four person jacuzzi. He pulls me into his arms kissing me. I love those lips.

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