Chapter Twenty Five

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We rehearse well and Mrs. Dawson tells us we are beyond prepared to perform. She tells us we can rehearse alone on Thursday since we no longer need any further guidance. She also lets us know how great our chemistry is, if only she knew...

I leave first and head to my car and wait for Rob. I see him in my rear view mirror in no time and I open the passenger seat. He looks frustrated...

"Lets go to my place" he says to me. "You know the way, we can talk there."

"Don't you have work babe?"

"Nah. I canceled it, I want to be with you."

"Ok." And we're off.

We arrive at his place and I park in his lot this time, he actually gave me the code and told the guards I could park there, I feel special. I park and we head to the pent house. He grabs me by the arm pulling me, and leads me to the bedroom. My back is to the bed. He pushes me on to the bed, his body completely over me kissing my lips deeply. He has a need, I can feel it. I try to push him off of me.

"Babe what's wrong? Talk to me." He gets up and paces. What the hell. I sit up on the bed and cross my legs waiting for him to open up.

"I had a really bad day yesterday. I felt empty, I don't know why. But when you're here I feel so much better."

My heart nearly falls out of my chest. I feel the same way.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner? I felt the same way. It's weird right?"

"It's like separation anxiety. I don't want to be away from you. Am I going insane?"

I giggle, "No babe, if you are then I am too." He gives me a longing look and I come up behind him hugging him.

"I love you Iron Man. Don't fret, it's called love." He turns around and smiles his signature golden Downey smile. He was actually upset because he missed me.

"Promise me something my lady."

"Tell me."

"Whatever happens, we won't stop talking."

"Ok, that sounds ok to me." I think. I don't want anything to happen to us. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and give him a kiss. I love those lips.

"Give me a sec ok, wait for me in the living room." I head towards the living room and I sit and turn on the TV. He's gone for a good ten minutes or so. He comes back looking even more nervous than before and there's a bulge in his pocket.

"Stand up babe." I do as I'm told and he gets on one knee.

"Rob, what are you doing?!"

"Trust me." I trust him but what in the world?! He takes out a small box from his pocket and opens it up. A ring.

"Now before you freak out let me explain." I'm sure the look on my face screams terrified.

"This is just a promise ring, and it's engraved. I got it yesterday and I want you to wear it. It's my way of showing my love to you." Well what a freaking relief, I seriously thought he was going to propose. He takes the ring out of the box and shows me what it says: "You're the Pepper to my Tony." I giggle, it's adorable. I hug him tight and he places the ring on my ring finger. It's silver, a plain band but with diamonds all around the band.

"You didn't have t-"

"Yes I did."

"Ok." I smile and he wraps me in his embrace. We walk upstairs and sit outside in the lounge area and just enjoy each others company. I can't sleep over since he has a late flight tonight to work all day tomorrow so I leave around eight. We hug and kiss in the lot and I find it hard to let him go. I would go with him, but paparazzi would be all over it.

I drive home and I can't wait for Thursday to come.

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