Chapter Forty

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"What in the hell are you doing here John?!"

"I wanted to see it for myself and I need to talk to you privately since you won't answer any of my calls or texts."

"You don't just waltz up here into our home thinking you can talk to my girl." Rob approaches him and I can literally see fear in John's eyes. I grab Robs arm trying to calm him down. Ugh! Why the fuck is he here! This is such bad fucking timing!

"Serena get dressed in our bathroom and go ok, I need to resolve whatever the fuck is going on here ok. I won't be more than a half hour late I promise, J will take you." Rob nods in agreement and Serena goes to get ready. We wait for her to get dressed and leave.

I turn to Rob, "Rob give me a minute ok? Please babe."

"If you so much as make me think that you're thinking of doing something sketchy I swear to God I will drag you out of here with my bare hands." Rob threatens him, their shoes nearly touching and approaches me.

"Be careful. I don't like this guy." He whispers in my ear.

"He's harmless, but very emotional explaining his ballsy act of coming here. I got this. Relax." He kisses my cheek and gives John the evil eye. I am alone, in my penthouse with my ex-boyfriend. Oh joy.

"John, why are you here? How did you find me? Just explain yourself please."

"I spoke to Alex." Shit I forgot they still talk. "I asked about you and he told me there was a new man in your life and you were happy and you fucking moved in with him after only several months of dating?!"

"It's none of your business. Now how in the hell did you find me and what do you want."

"Alex wouldn't tell me anything so I did my own research and you're with Robert fucking Downey Junior. Well guess what, I couldn't believe it one. Two, you moved in with him so quick. We were together since high school and before junior year of college I asked y-"

"Ok hold it. I wasn't in love with you anymore. The love faded. There was nothing left and if I didn't leave you I would've just cheated or hurt you in some other way because that's what people do when they're unhappy in a relationship John and I had enough respect and care for you to not continue being the girlfriend you didn't deserve."

"Well google and tabloids and other sources led me here. I just needed to see it for myself. And guess what Amber, I am hurt."

"Well it's not my issue. I'm sorry you're hur-"

"Amber you don't have to explain yourself anymore to him." Rob chimes in.

"Rob just let him fin-"

"No. Not in my home. John you seriously came all this way just to see her with me now?!"

"I'm here again in NY, because again news flash to you Amber, I'm back in the city for my friend Alex's wedding."

"Great." Rob says sarcastically. "Listen John. She's mine. I'm sorry. I will show you the door." Jarvis does as Rob says and even though I'm so sorry for John, I'm so happy I have a man who can step in for me the way he just did. He escorts him out and as soon as the door shuts Rob is giving me the eye.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Listen to me." He comes up to me and pulls me to his chest suffocating me.

"Babe I can't breathe!"

"Sorry. Listen he obviously came here because you guys had some shit unresolved. He needed closure. I recognize that in him. So if you have any boyfriends or whatever in your past who have issues or need closure call 'em now because..."

"Because what?"

"Just make sure any prior issues are dealt with. Please."

"Yes Robert. Babe..." I go to him and run my fingers through his hair. "I love you. You have no worries. You're right, John just took advantage of being in town to want to talk to me. He's harmless and I, I am yours." He smiles that gorgeous smile of his and then says something that makes me suspicious, "That's good to know because I have a surprise for you that depends on the words you just said to me."

I'm very confused, but I kiss him and head to the bedroom to get dressed and head out, I will only be a few minutes late thank goodness. Dinner and clubbing with my best gals on the night before my best friends wedding! John won't put a damper on that.

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