Chapter Sixty - The Finale (Part 2)

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I wake up to Rob's arms around my round belly holding the baby and I tight.

"Good morning handsome." I say to him with a kiss on his forehead, he barely acknowledges me and goes back to sleep.

I try my best to sit up in bed but I can't anymore. My belly is just too huge. Last week was the baby shower hosted by Serena and it was an epic success.

Everyone was there, even Rob. I am nine months pregnant this week so I want him with me at all times, you never know when I can go into labor.

My mom and dad are ecstatic to be grandparents and are going to help us out, thank god, with the baby once he's here. Oh yea! Forgot to mention, it's a boy! We haven't settled on a name but we have narrowed it down to Edward, Robert or Anthony. I really wanna name him one of the last two but my husband is as indecisive as I am when shopping so, at least we have a little more time left.

I take a shower and ask J to get me some chicharron (pork) and two tacos. Yes. Still have insane cravings at all hours of the day and night. Rob has had to go get me some munchies at all hours of the night sometimes, he's a sweetheart about it though.

My pregnancy has been smooth so far, I fainted twice in the first trimester, still throw up some days and my cravings are a pain but it's all worth it. I can't wait to see our baby boy's face when he arrives!

The living room is flooded with presents we still haven't organized from all our family and friends especially our parents who are the most excited to be grandparents.

"Babe you up?" I call to Rob. It's noon already and he's still sleeping.

No answer. Oh well, I'll let him sleep, he's had a rough week. I pick up the phone to call Serena.


"Hi honey buns!"

"Hey what's up?, giving birth yet?"

"Well my due date is a few days from today. But I feel crampy and the baby is sitting really low today. I feel like a watermelon."

"Oooohhhhhhh snap! ITS TIME!"

"SERENA. No, not until my water breaks."

"What ever I'm coming over now. Send a car please and thank you and I'll see you in a few."

"You're gonna leave your husband for little ol'pregnant me?"

"Yes. You're definitely giving birth soon." That's when my nerves kick in and I feel nauseous.

"Ok I'm hanging up I'll send you a car."

In no time Serena arrives with two suitcases full of her stuff. Thank goodness for that extra room upstairs. over the past two hours since we hung up I've had worse cramps and discomfort, she's right, the baby may be coming sooner than my due date. He's sitting really low and moving around a lot, which I love when he does, but today it's causing me a lot of discomfort.

I'm startled by hands suddenly around my belly. Rob is finally awake.

"Hi my love."

"Hi sleepy head. You made your poor pregnant wife get out of bed alone. Not cool." He kisses my forehead and snuggles me in his arms.

"I wanna make love to you Amber." He whispers in my ears and it sounds so delicious, but I can't. He loves making love to pregnant me just as much as he loves making love to not-pregnant me.

"Babe not today. Your son is sitting very low today and has been bugging me."

He puts his ear to my belly then faces it.

"Now Junior don't bug mommy, be nice." He gives my belly a kiss and lays his head there. He has quite an attachment to my belly. I wonder if he'll still do this even when the baby is out.

Serena walks through the door and greets all four of us. Me, Rob, J & the baby of course.

"Put your stuff up stairs and lets go for a walk in the park." I tell her. I could really use the air.

"Um no. What if your water breaks?"

"I'm across the street Rob. Just stay here & have your phone nearby my love." I pat him on the head, lead him to the living room and wait for Serena at the door.

Several minutes later I manage to waddle my way out of the building with Serena and in to the park. We walk and talk.

"So when are you and Alex having kids? That is, if you want them?"

"We definitely do. Maybe soon, who knows? We're not using any kind of protection anyway."

We walk several blocks and turn back. I'm feeling even heavier than before and a little weird down there.

"Hold on Serena. You see anything weird around my pants?" She circles me.

"Your wet."

"Oh my god I think my water broke."

"Ahhhh!!!" She screams in the middle of the park. So dramatic.

"Relax. I'm not in much pain, just cramps. Lets walk back quickly and call the doc."

I'm guessing those cramps may have been small contractions?

The wetness is definitely the baby and not pee we find out when we arrive home. Rob has me laid out on the bed naked from the hips down, my legs wide open in front of him. My pains are a bit stronger but bearable.

"Ok doc says we should time them and when they're closer we should call again and go to the hospital."

Today. Tonight or tomorrow I shall be giving birth to a Downey.

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