Chapter Thirty Three

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"Rob. What are you doing?" He is setting up some equipment by the bed when I wake up. It's seven in the morning.

"This is to help us both. A blood pressure machine, a blood sugar tester and a blood alcohol tester." My facial expression should tell him what I think of this. I crack up and he gives me the 'I'm not joking' look.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night Rob, but I don't suffer from diabetes or blood pressure issues. Migraines are spur of the moment, they just pop up just like anxiety attacks. All I can do is eat better and drink alcohol responsibly. That's all it takes babe."

"Well the stuff is here. I ordered them last night while you were unconscious. J picked them up. I told you. I'm not loosing you." He comes up to me and kisses my forehead. "How do you feel?"

"I'm much better. I feel great. It's typical, after a migraine is gone you usually feel even better than before the migraine. Shit today is graduation!"

"Relax, it's at one and it's seven right now. We have to go to your house to get your dress and we'll be there in no time."

"We should leave now. I have to do my hair and makeup too."

We organize ourselves and head out to my place. Serena and Alex meet us there and by eleven we are ready to head out to school. My makeup is simple and classic, my dress is light purple and I'm wearing white pumps. Robert is wearing a grey suit with a light purple tie to match my dress, many people will take note of that I'm sure. Serena and Alex are matching with white as well. We make it to school just in time for the small rehearsal before the grand shebang and then they let us out on break thirty minutes before show time.

I meet my parents and Rob sits with them, they've really taken a liking to him! I'm glad! It's an emotional day for all of us. My bachelors in Psychology will help push me into a good career. Ill miss all of my professors I've had all these years, the relationships I've developed and everything this college has done for me. I am a happy camper, but I can't help but cry at the thought of moving on and leaving this school. The ceremony is commencing and my heart sinks. Everything is going well so far. I've tried my best to keep the tears from running but it gets harder and harder as they start calling names. My row is next and we form a line going across the stage. I look into the audience and I know where they're sitting I just can't see them. My name is called! Ah! Such an exhilarating experience! I look into the audience as I'm crossing the stage and I see my proud parents and my gorgeous boyfriend all standing up. This makes me incredibly emotional as you would imagine and as I shake my school presidents hand tears pool my eyes.

This is really happening. I join my fellow graduates and enjoy the rest of the ceremony and throw my hat in the air with all of them at the end (not too high since I didn't want to loose it!). I meet Serena, Alex, my parents and Rob afterwards in the lobby and everyone is on Robert like crazy. Rob tells us to just go outside and wait for him, meanwhile I'm worried that they'll trample him! But we do as he says and in a few minutes he comes out with J. J went from calm butler to terrifying bodyguard. Interesting. It seems Rob knew this would happen and he paged J earlier to save Iron Mans ass! There is a huge SUV waiting for us which everyone except myself has already gotten in. Rob jumps in the drivers seat and he tells me to sit in the passengers seat.

"Space for J?"

"He's behind us in your car remember?" Wow I forgot my own car.

So I have no idea where we're headed but I'm sure it will be hellafun. I talk with my parents and Serena and Alex about graduation and what's next. My parents tell me how proud they are of me, this is a great feeling.

We arrive at lower manhattan and I get a hunch of where we're going. I crack a smile and Rob sees it.

"You know where we're going don't you..."

"I believe I do." I say with a mischievous smile. We arrive once more at the port where the yacht he brought me to once is. My parents are going to absolutely love this. Serena and Alex are thrilled when I explain to them why we're here. I peek at my car which J has parked next to the SUV and I see luggage. What does this man have in store for me? He's so interesting and unpredictable, I love it. We walk to the yacht, myself and my man hand in hand, my parents hand in hand and Serena and Alex hand in hand. A triple date!

On the yacht we get comfy and the waiter from before greets us warmly with several drinks. Rob gives me the eyebrow and I punch him lightly on the arm, I can handle myself! Especially since my parents are here...

We toast to graduation and life ahead! The yacht sets sail on the Hudson and we spend the evening talking, dancing, hugging, and loving. I love these people.

We have spent a total of three and a half hours on board and it is nearly eight p.m. My parents are obviously tired and want to head home so we go to the port once more where we hug them and kiss them. My father thanks Rob with a smile for all of this and tells him to 'take care of my daughter', to which Rob responds "Yes sir!" Very cute indeed, my dad likes him! A fucking dream come true! It's the damn Downey charm. Works every time, he really does get what he wants.

My mom and dad are with J headed home and the party has only just begun for us four. We dance our asses off, have several more drinks and a late dinner at around eleven since we at with my parents at seven. Now it is midnight and we are laying out in the deck looking up at the stars. My hand is on Rob's chest, he holds me closely to him and leans down to kiss my forehead. This night can't get anymore perfect. That's when he whispers in my ear, "I have a surprise for you in the bedroom... Remember where it's at?" I nod. "Go there now, and ill meet you there. Wait for me at the door."

"Ok" I whisper back to him. I'm so excited.

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