Chapter Forty Two

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I wake up at around nine in the morning and my gorgeous man is asleep. As usual I have to pry him off of me but it doesn't wake him up being that we were up late doing... You know.

I walk into the living room and go up stairs to see Serena. She's awake and crying.

"Babe what's wrong?!"

"No no no! These are happy tears!"

"Oh, you scared me. Don't do that!"

"I'm sorry, it's normal for the bride to cry on her wedding day!"

"No one will understand your vows through your sobs! Suck it up!"

"I will." I give her a hug and leave her to do her stuff even though it's really early. I go downstairs and J is making breakfast.

"Good morning Jarvis!"

"Good morning miss Amber, beautiful morning isn't it?"


"You're excited for the wedding?"


"You should be, I know it means a lot to you."

"Yea. I appreciate you and the other guys doing security... I don't want anything to ruin Serena's day."

"Absolutely miss. Since you're up would you mind telling me what Serena and you will be having for breakfast?"

"Sure. I'm having my usual and Serena will have what I'm having." My usual is turkey bacon, scrambled eggs and French toast with orange juice.

Rob joins us and we have breakfast. Serena hops in the shower and later Rob and I do the same. Time flies when you're having fun...

It's ten thirty and Serena and I are making calls everywhere to make sure everything is in tip top shape. Everything is going well so far. We have to leave in twenty minutes, Robs private jet will be flying us to the venue upstate. It makes a one and a half hour car ride thirty minutes long instead.

Everything has been packed since yesterday so all we have to do is get up and go. J and his men take all our stuff and Serena grips my arm tightly as we head to the airport. She's very nervous but happy. Rob seems to be a bit tense too... Wedding jitters I guess. I'm not tense at all since I'm going to look fucking amazing in that dress and the jewels Rob got me! This wedding will be one to remember, my parents are meeting us upstate. Rob arranged for them to be picked up at noon.

We arrive at the airport and we enter the jet, the fucking waitress eyeballing my man once again, and once again he is oblivious to what his presence is doing to her, it's actually funny. She gives me the eye and so help me god if she pulls something. She hands us drinks and you bet I'm not drinking mine, I don't trust her.

"Again Amber?" Rob asks noticing I'm not drinking the margarita.

"I don't trust her."

"Everyone here has been background chec-"

"Babe I don't care. Someone can snap in a sec. Especially for you." I giggle, it's true!

"Whatever you say my dear."

"Good boy." I give him a peck on the cheek and the jet takes off.

We arrive in no time in a near by airport and it takes us 10 minutes to get to the catering hall. It's absolutely gorgeous, stone tiles, crystal chandeliers, dark wood doors, and very spacious. It's beautiful. The room they're getting married in is half the size of the reception room and are both decorated according to what Serena and Alex wanted.

We head to the room where the bridesmaids should be, the room where we get dressed and do our makeup, and there they all are, they're early!

Time passes, we have some snacks and it is almost time to get ready. We're all fixing up our hair and makeup and we put on our dresses. I have to find Rob, I completely abandoned him since we got off the plane. I go into the room and Rob is sitting with my dad.

"Hi pa!" I give my dad a hug and he hugs me and smiles. We talk for a bit and I give Rob a kiss before I go in.

Everyone is ready and Serena looks amazing. My best friend is getting married!

Everything goes well, I marched down the aisle managing to not trip and fall, as did the bridesmaids. Serena came down the aisle with her dad, crying of course but beautiful, thank goodness for waterproof mascara!

They say their vows, Alex looks great in his tux might I add. My man is sitting in the back so as to not distract anyone, I don't think hardly anyone knows he's here yet...

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Yay! Serena managed to stop crying half way through the ceremony and they are now married. We walk down the aisle and I meet up with my man.

"I missed you babe."

"It was only an hour!" I say to him.

"So what!"

All the guests walk into the dining hall and we march in according to the DJ's order. This is gonna be a great night! Little do Serena know that Alex, myself and Rob have planned a trip to the Caribbean set to start tomorrow! It's our gift to her, she's knows there'll be a honeymoon, just not where or that Rob and I are going to be there too, in separate suites since they need their privacy.

The reception is awesome, the newlyweds dance and talk and spend the entire night together. They each do a small speech, as do I and we are all on the dance floor! We're shaking our asses when out of no where we hear thumps on a mic.

"Testing one two testing. Hello everyone!" Rob has the mic, everyone cheers for him, he's been a big hit at this wedding! He's standing next to the DJ, when did he get over there and why is he directing this?

"It is time for the bouquet toss for the ladies! So ladies line up! Bridesmaids in front of course!" We line up and I'm in the middle, Serena is in front of us and as she counts to three and throws the bouquet. I caught it!

"HA HA HA! I caught it! All y-" I turn around and all the other ladies aren't there. What?! They moved back so I could catch it on purpose? I turn back around and Rob is in front of me. He gives me a kiss, everyone goes "uuuuuuu" and I laugh.

"What's this about Rob?"

He gets on one knee and my heart isn't even at my ass it's through the floor. He goes into his pocket and out comes a small box, he opens it and says into the mic, "Amber, when I met you I knew you would be the one, I've never been more sure about anything and it's that I love you. I love you more than anything and I want to be with you for the rest of my days. Will you marry me baby?"

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