Chapter Fifty Five

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"I'm coming!" I yell to my boss. What the hell could be possibly want now?! I miss Rob, he's been away at work.

It's been a year since our wedding and amazing honeymoon across Europe. He has been the absolute perfect husband and oh my goodness, the sex is obviously great. We are intimate at very least five days out of the week. He's been gone for a week now and I miss him so much I can't sleep at night.

After the honeymoon we spent some time together, with family and friends. I, with the help of a former professor, found a job alongside a psychologist. I'm an assistant, yes, but only for now. I hope to get promoted farther and farther. As for now, the experience is very beneficial.

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I smile instantly. I know it's him.

"Hi mama! I miss you so much... on the plane now, land in couple of hours. In the air and have wifi on the plane, video chat with me? love you xoxo."

I text him back, "Yes babe, but quick, I have work to do." I take my laptop and tell my boss ill be just a second. I head to the room in the back that's full of storage stuff and lock the door behind me. I log in and send him the request to video chat.

There he is... His gorgeous eyes and smile and that 3 o'clock shadow... mmmm, I miss him. He's talking to me but all I'm doing is fantasizing about us... our honeymoon, every night we made love.

He interrupts my dirty thoughts, "Amber? Baby are you doing it again?"

"Me? what?"

"Mamas horny! Ha Ha Ha! Can I help with that?"

"How could you help me so far away?"

"I'm all alone in here." He stands up, positions his laptop so I can see him and he begins unbuttoning his shirt slowly. Oh my god I want him so bad. "Open up that shirt. Drop your skirt."

"Robert Im at work!"

"Whatever. You're alone, do as I say Mrs. Downey." I open up my shirt revealing my bra and cleavage. I drop my skirt revealing my lacy boy shorts to him.

"Mmmm... sexy, I miss you my love." He says sweetly to me. "The panties too..."

I gasp.

"Yes babe. Drop them. Stop hesitating! I'm your husband not some weirdo on the Internet!" True. My panties are on the ground.

"Imagine me there babe... Your hand is mine. Right now my hand is going from your neck.. Do it!" Im so embarrassed doing this here... But I do as he says. "As I was saying... Down your neck, chest and to your thighs." Im feeling my body temp. rising. This is hot.

"Close your eyes. I'm rubbing your thighs, making my way to your delicious treasure." I can't help it, I touch myself. I hear him giggle on the other end. Ugh, the things he does to me.

"There you go baby..." He cheers me on as I massage my sexual frustration away. After a few minutes he silenced. I opened my eyes and see him alleviating himself as well and boy did it turn me on.

In no time we both climax. He's not even here and Im reacting to him as if he were.


"Yes sir! I have your paperwork here! Coming!" He's never screamed my entire name out, uh-oh...


"It's ok babe, go. I love you, see you in a few hours."

"I love you too baby." I blow him a kiss goodbye and adjust myself before heading out.

I rush into my boss' office and continue my day at work. This should be a long day.

I don't know how much work I've done today but I'm sure glad it's time for me to start cleaning up to leave. Rob texted me earlier again telling me we're going out to dinner tonight. I have to get home and pick something amazing to wear tonight.

I finish cleaning my desk and wave good-bye to my boss and co-workers. They can tell I'm ecstatic and they know exactly why!

I drive home in my new car, something simple, but new nonetheless. My husband would have preferred the Audi, but I stuck with the Mercedes Benz. Still extravagant but much more simpler lord knows!

I arrive to our penthouse, no we never moved to a house or anywhere else because I love my city, I love the location and I have the best of all worlds. My friends, my husband, lower manhattan and the halal cart up the block.

I walk into our room and on the bed is a bouquet of deep red roses. My favorite. I can smell his delish cologne and I immediately know he's here already. I pick up the roses and take in their delicious smell. I can feel someone behind me and I know it's him. I turn around before he does anything.

There we are smiling at each other, staring at each other. I take off my blazer, he unbuttons his shirt. The rest is history.

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