So not a dream

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This is so not a dream. I decided to take a bubble bath and filled the tub with water. When I went in, I transformed into a mermaid. Oh god what will my parents do if they found out? I don't want to go to a science lab and be tested like animals! Great, now I'm acting like Sea. I decided to call an emergency sleepover. We said our good nights to my parents and went to my room. We decided not to touch any water at all, to be on the safe side.  Suddenly, sea touched her hair and said I wish I could have my blue streak back and it just appeared. She decided she wanted my eyes to be a stunning blue and just like that poof! I had blue eyes.

Alex took advantage of this big time she said, "Sea please change my tail to green."

Sea made Alex pay her back by Sea giving Alex a makeover. Alex was quite happy after getting her mermaid attire, as Sea likes to call it, green. Then I moved my hand to the water and made a bubble pop out and levitated it in the air and I controlled the water in the bottle, then I froze it than melted it.

Alex than said "Sea take off this makeup."

And Sea did just that. Once Sea finished she was so confused, we figured out Alex  could control people. Then she controlled the wind to dry her face because it was all wet with make up remover. So far I had discovered 3 powers, sea only one, and Alex two.

Suddenly Sea practically made a little storm appear in my room, and could levitate and control everything but liquid. We were so spooked yet excited. We fell asleep around three in the morning. Let's hope I don't fall asleep tomorrow.

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