Alex..... Can see the future?

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When we woke up we thought it was all a nightmare, than we tried our powers and they worked.

Randomly Alex blurted out, "You won't fail helplessly with the help of Percy." What in the world?

"Alex, are you feeling well?" She said she was fine but I was still worried.

Sea ran to the bathroom to do her makeup and hair. The best thing about sea sleeping over is that she'd do my make up for school, which sometimes makes us late.

After all this we made it to school 3 minutes before the bell rang. We went our separate ways to our lockers.I went to my locker and guess who was waiting for me? Percy.

"Percy, if you make me fail science I will murder you, ok?" He smirked and seemed to be silently laughing.

"Geez relax Aqua that's what I needed to talk to you about. How about we both try our best in science and we all pass this class?" Why that jerk I try but he's the one not helping!

"What? You're the one not helping! You're the one always talking. So how about you try and be quiet so I can learn?" Yup now he was laughing

"Fine, fine. I'll be quiet so you can learn but you owe my by letting me buy you a smoothie." Was he bargaining? I don't think so.

"In your dreams!" With that I left to science class with him walking by my side. He is so gonna get it in science with these new powers.

Mrs.Logan asked Percy to show the class how to do this lab because he came over early and did it perfectly. It had to do with beakers and (aren't I so lucky?) liquids. When he poured the first liquid to the second liquid I used my power and made it freeze. He looked as if his pants had fallen down. Take that you arrogant jerk! Than I melted it and everyone was staring in amazement. For the grand finally I controlled it to explode on his face! Mrs. Logan I guess felt bad about it so she gave me and percy 10 bonus points. Now I'm on a C+average I better catch up I'm so close. When Percy got back from the nurse he was as quiet as ever.

When I was just about to leave Percy said" I guess you owe me by letting me buy a smoothie for you. Not only did I get us extra credit but I was quite! I'll give it to you after my soccer practice is over."

"In your dreams. One, she gave it to you out of pity. Two, I think when that concoction exploded the fumes made you crazy. So see ya!"

He kept on following me, he just wouldn't give up! "Fine! I'll make you a deal if you can help me get an A, you can buy me a smoothie."

"I'm so gonna win" Percy countered.

''Good luck, I'm horrible at science!" He left with a grin and went to his soccer practice. What a minute Alex said Percy would help me not fail. Holy nugget! (Great I sound like Sea) Alex can tell the future!

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