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Ch. 10

We were pretty spooked about that all day, I didn't even listen to biology class at all. Percy was even quiet and kept on looking at my face, obviously worried about me.

At the end of class, Percy asked me "Aqua, are you ok? You weren't even drooling and staring at me." he smirked but I saw how worried he really was.

I told him the story and he looked even more worried and turned serious. "Aqua, promise me I can take you home for at least two weeks and promise me you'll call me if any other weird attacks happen."

I told Percy "I promise. I'm pretty sure you just took advantage of this bad situation" and with that I felt happy because he was so worried about me and pecked him on the cheek.

He smirked than chuckled and said "Now let's finish on what we left off on." We were just about to kiss when suddenly the water from the fountain was again possessed and sprayed water on me.

Every single time we are interrupted. Next time he says this I'll just throw my arms around him and give him at least a quick kiss, so we could have our first kiss.

Oh no! In 10 seconds I'd be part fish. I knew this because Sea, Alex, and I tested it a few days ago. Percy saw my face and remembered what water could do to me and he quickly sprinted and got the janitors door opened and shoved me in. He stood outside to stand guard until I got my legs back. Percy wanted to come in because he wanted to be stuck in a closet with his hot mermaid girlfriend as he put it, but I thought better of it because if some teacher caught us together we'd probably get detention for a whole month because they thought we were fooling around in the closet which we probably would've done and I didn't want my family to know this before actually meeting Percy.

After about 5 minutes, Percy started calling my name and asking if I was okay and dry. I opened the door quickly and my adrenaline finally started to wear away. We started talking about the two attacks.

Than he started joking around "Yeah, the attacks seem to always happen when you give me a kiss or when you try too at least." He smirked "Looks like there's some other mermaids who want me. Jealous?"

I smirked than said "Not really. You're the one that says all the guys are drooling at me."

He just laughed and gave me a quick kiss. I felt little fireworks in my head, so I got even closer pressing my body against his and wrapping my arms around his neck wanting more fireworks.

He smirked and said "Finally there were no interruption." and was about to kiss me again, but the bell rang.

But, I thought about what he said. Was it a coincidence? Maybe, but I doubt it. Than an image of Regina frowning and glaring  at me when I gave percy a quick kiss on the cheek. But, if Regina is going to try to take Percy away I'll kick her butt. Funny, how before if Regina liked him I'd never have cared but now since me and him are in a sort of relationship I'm acting like the jealous girlfriend. Never in my life would I expect to be like that for Percy.

The bell meant we had a half  hour until school ends and since me and percy have home room together, we went holding hands. I felt a few glares from people at the sight of our hands together, but I didn't care. And to show this I kissed percy a little longer than necessary. He just grinned and I heard some girls say some pretty mean comments, but I ignored them.

But Alex heard them all and went to those girls and said "Did you just call aqua that? Because honey if you want a guy like Percy try lowering your ego or at least your skirt." Alex said innocently and smiled and waved then left, while the girl was red with embarrassment and anger. 

Alex caught up to us and said "If you guys do that mushy couple stuff, I'll hang you."

Sea came skipping to us and said "About time you got a little courage to do that, Aqua." I blushed.

Then I told all of them about my suspicions of Regina being the evil mermaid, but judging on the powers I expected that she wasn't the only mermaid.

They laughed and Percy just smirked when I told them how I got the conclusion of Regina.

Percy chuckled and said, "Sorry, Aqua, I attract girls, but don't worry I only have eyes for you" he pouted and made lovey dovey eyes.

I just giggled and swatted him on the arm.

I said "You better because you had eyes on me since seventh grade and don't you forget it."

He chuckled and said "I never would" he leaned in and whispered "Besides who could resist those big eyes?" He then pushed mr against a locker and kissed me to prove his point. "Do you know how long I waited for this and now that it happens a mermaid gets jealous. Yup we're gonna have a great year."

Sea than stared at us in awe "Oh my god! You guys are the cutest couple." She shrieked

Alex looked sick and said "I'm gonna hang you guys later after I finish gagging."

I thought it was too fast to be a couple and said "Woah woah. Ok we kissed a couple times, but we are not a couple. Yet. Sorry lover boy but you need to take me on a date first."

He than smirked "Don't worry. We are going on a date. How about today counts as a date and on Saturday, I'll take you to the movies and treat you with ice cream?"

I grinned "You got a deal." Then I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

He frowned "What? Just on the cheek?"

I laughed "Only on the cheek until you take me on a date on Saturday and we're an official couple."

He frowned "Fine I can wait until Saturday. But I don't know about you because I'm irresistible."

I laughed again "I think I can live."

He then got all serious" Can we just say we're dating, so no other guys ask you out."

I laughed "Sure."

"What, you think it's funny?"

"No, but you look funny with a serious face."

Alex then intervened "Sorry guys not really good with love stuff plus I still have to hang you guys. But I'll do that later. Have you guys forgotten the evil b-"

I quickly said "Don't even think of cursing."

She said, "Fine. The evil witch of a mermaid. Better, Aqua?"

I said ''A lot better.

Sea said, "Nice Alex now you made this all depressing. I think I'd rather focus and talk about Perqua. What do you guys think of your couple name?"

Percy, Alex, and I answered at the same time, "No couple names!"

Sea held her hands up "Geez calm down."

I said "Ok guys we seriously have to focus on the evil mermaid you guys. I have a feeling that if she gets a chance to hurt us permanently, she will. I think we should investigate Regina and practice our powers.

Everyone agreed, but Sea then asked "Aqua, we can't just follow Regina around.  She'll notice. Besides, if she is the mermaid she has more experience with powers and will wipe us out completely. How are we gonna spy on her?"

I grinned "That's easy." And looked at percy "I think it's time to test if you have loyal boyfriend material."

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