The ride back home

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I went home with Percy. It wasn't as bad as expected. Well when you took out his saracasm and arrogance, he was actually a fun person to hang out with. I told him how I turned into a mermaid and how I really needed a good grade for biology. He told me how rough his home and family was ever since his mom died and we actually didn't argue. It was a good feeling, relaxing with Percy. Before we know it, we  had docked the boat and he was driving me home. We made it to the porch of my house and he leaned in and was just about to kiss me when my little sister opened the door. Percy dipped me so when we got  surprised he dropped me and I landed on my butt.

"Crap! Anna! Next time warn us!"

"Sorry aqua. Were you guys about to.....uh......." My nine year old sister was blushing like crazy. Than suddenly not wanting to finish her sentence or say that specific words that starts with K she changed the topic

"So, big guy what's your name?" My little sister afraid to say kiss but brave enough to face a 16 year old hot guy.

"Uh Percy." He smiled which is much more attractive than his usual smirk.

"Percy? Oh my god! Aqua your dating him? I thought you hated him. Wow your really good looking. Aqua, you forgot to mention this."

My jaw dropped suddenly, I wanted to strangle her. Percy just laughed the whole time and I got beet red. I said goodbye and than I saw his face with my abrupt goodbye and pecked him on the cheek.

He responded by saying "I knew you wanted to do that all year long" and left with his trademark smirk.

During dinner Anna was talking about percy and how beautiful his eyes were and I started to daydream about them until she finally got to the part of seeing him almost kiss me. My parents just stared at me but I could see my mom was proud about how I got a good looking boy and how he politely drove me home. But when I saw my dad, I thought I'd finally get the dog I wanted but I think he was hoping for a German Shepard to attack teenage boys.

My dad was just about to speak when my mom dove in for the rescue, sort of. "Aqua, you should invite him over because I want to meet him" one almost kiss and this is where it leads me?

If only they knew the Percy I knew but I just told her "ok mom."

I then said I had a lot of homework to get done so they couldn't embarrass me more and went to my room. I took a shower which is very hard to do with a tail and was just about to sleep when my phone buzzed.

I checked it and it read "Have sweet dreams about me."

I knew it was percy and replied "I will Logan." Just to annoy him.

he answered "It's percy. Who's Logan?"

I responded by saying "Oh what a disappointment. He's the hottest guy in the planet."

He answered "Ya, right after me"

I replied "Good night."

He quickly sent "Good night don't worry I'll dream about hot surfer girl."

I was not going to sleep without responding so I quickly typed back "How about me as a mermaid?"

He typed back and I could just imagine his smirk "Well you looked hot and they're my dreams so you'll be lots of fun in there. So I'll dream about you, my mermaid girlfriend. Goodnight."

I typed "goodnight my friend".

He just typed" Goodnight, girlfriend." And I left it like that. I liked the sound of that and drifted to sleep. Which in my dreams might've included Percy not Logan.

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