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Percy started shaking his head furiously not happy at all with the plan."No, but she's obsessed with me and she's so annoying. She doesn't leave me alone. Please no."

I just grinned and said, "Well looks like I don't have to worry about you having fun. But you can start tomorrow because tonight your hanging with me."

He grinned than frowned "Tomorrow I have to start? No fair. But at least tonight I get to hang out with you."

I smiled, "Sorry but if you don't want us to get hurt then you have to get some info on Regina."

He smirked "Fine, but I'm going to need something in return"

"And what would that be?"

"You have to go with me to my cousins wedding because I need a date and I'm not going to be the only one tortured."

"Deal." I grumbled. I really didn't like weddings, especially when the only person I know is Percy and the my attention to him would just boost his ego.

"Good well I have to go home to take care of my brothers." He swooped down, gave me a kiss on the cheek and whispered in my ear "See you tonight."

I said, "Hey wanna go for a swim later. We'll meet you where we first met."

He smiled, "Ok meet you there." With that he left.

Sea started squealing "Oh my god. A wedding that's so sweet. So how do you think tonight is gonna go?"

Alex smirked "Last time I was there I saw Aqua's dad looking at trained German Shepards as guard dogs. I wouldn't be surprised if  Aqua comes home and sees a new pet."

I smirked "Yup and it'll  attack percy."

We all laughed and hooked hands, it reminded me of the old times when I hated Percy and when we weren't mermaids. But then I thought not everything can stay the same or else we'd just get bored. I was pretty happy with the adventures ahead of us and ok I'll admit seeing Percy as a potential boyfriend. But no way would I tell him this.

With these thoughts I said "Ready for a swim?"

Sea said, "Last one to the pier gets to clean my closet."

We all raced to the pier because let's face it Sea is gorgeous with tons of clothes and make up but she had no organization at all. She even lost her little puppy, Lola, in her huge closet.

Alex dashed ahead of us and was already yards ahead of me and Sea, but no way was I going to lose to Sea.

Alex yelled, "Hahahahaha suckers. Beat that, suck my- ahhhhhhhhh!" She got cut off because she tripped on rocks.

Sea and I fell because of our laughter and Sea started saying through her fit of laughter "You don't-hahahahaha- have-hahaha-any!" Oh my  god she was panting now and both of us were in fits of giggles.

Alex than let out a stream of curses, "-- rocks. This hurts like a mother-" She didn't get to finish because I yelled "Don't even think about it."

I then remembered the bet and sprinted. I made it to the pier and saw Sea rolling on the floor laughing. She didn't even notice me leaving her.

I yelled "Hey, Sea, looks like your going to have to clean your closet yourself, like you were supposed to!" I stuck my tongue out. She stormed her way to the pier and then I remembered her powers.

I blurted out in terror, who knows if she'll make me purple "Oh no you don't" and I dove in the water.

Alex quickly dove in not wanting to be Sea's victim.

Sea jumped in and when she saw her mermaid self she was back to quirky Sea and seemed to forget that she was mad.

We quickly went out farther where there were less people.

It was so pretty out here. We saw baby sea horses bobbing there way to the pull of the current, we saw dolphins and even petted and swam with them, when we saw a great white shark and nerf shark, Sea was blabbing her form of 'cussing' cotton balls on sugar high! Fluffy bunnies while Alex actually did holy- mother I cut her off before she actually could say the words but when I quickly swam away I heard her mumbling all kinds of curses. We saw a baby sea turtle with its mother.

We quickly swam to the the meeting place because we felt we were taking too long.

We were making our way to the spot when we saw a boat that wasn't Percy's parked too close to the pool. If that boat had a radar, well I don't want to know what comes up if the radar picks us up. So we stayed far away so that the radar wouldn't pick us up yet close enough that we could see the boat. I wondered why it was at this exact spot where it was way too far and why it was parked exactly here.

My mind quickly flashed to Percy but he wouldn't betray us, would he? If he did he is so going to regret playing with me and my friends. Than I thought of what he said how he liked me since seventh grade but yet acted like a jerk towards me. I mean why would he want to date someone like me if he could charm any girl in the school. He also left right before we headed to Pesko leaving him enough time to make a call. Stop it, Aqua! I thought. Stop torturing yourself. I looked at Alex's and Sea's face and it mirrored the same expression as mine: Did Percy betray us? Tonight we are having dinner and I will get the answer by today even if I have to threaten the only guy who ever showed feeling towards me with my powers.

Suddenly we heard a rumbling of another boat, we looked up and saw Percy's boat. Looking at Sea's and Alex's reaction we all thought the same: Percy is so dead.

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