Time to talk

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"Look Aqua, I'm not a jerk."

"Thanks for clearing that up, Percy."

"Listen, I'll tell you about myself. First, my mom died three years ago so my dad takes care of us. I've been doing soccer ever since I was 5 because my mom was in the Olympics for soccer and I wanted to make her proud. Secondly, my dad is usually at work so I've had to raise my brothers ever since. The reason I asked you out was because your funny, pretty, and witty. Lastly, I needed a chance to relax and you're the only person I really can act like myself with and you don't act all strange on me."

I was speechless. Then I looked up and saw those beautiful eyes. They were my favorite color. Snap out of it, Aqua. You can't fall for him.  "Really funny, witty, and pretty? Ok then why talk about hot surfer girl right in my face!"

He started laughing "You were jealous!!!! Score, I wanted to make you jealous and every time I said it your eyes narrowed a bit."

My nose crinkled, I hated it when it did that.

"That's cute your crinkly nose. The reason I was always kind of a jerk to you was because I had a crush on you ever since seventh grade and you tended to make me get my guard up because I got all nervous."

"So when you get nervous you act like a jerk. That makes total sense."

"I just always want to impress you. I feel like nothing can ever impress you. You know what? I'm gonna take you to get another smoothie when you get that A with my help. Than you have to stay and talk with me for a whole hour. Deal?"

"Deal. It's never gonna happen so keep dreaming."

"I will."

"That sounds stalkerish. Well see ya."

He started to say I shouldn't go, but  instead got his arms out as if he were to hug me but than he knocked the smoothie in my lap. Oh god, I ran out of there and left Percy calling my name. I made it to the bathroom stall where my tail appeared but lucky for me, Alex and Sea saw the whole thing and were right behind my heels. I thought that heat can probably dry my tail up and it worked; but my shorts were a mess. I came out of the stall and Sea was freaking out about my shorts and then suddenly I was wearing a dress. A really short revealing dress.

"Sea what did you do? This dress barely covers my butt."

"Oh my god, I can transform things, sucks for you Alex. Aqua, relax it covers it."

"The world hates me. Oh god if you make me wear a dress Sea I swear I'll get you back." says Alex

"Yeah, with your psychic powers. Oooooh scary." says Sea.

"Yeah well I'm still athletic and strong." says Alex

"You guys, if I got power of controlling water, Sea you can transform and change things whenever you want, Alex I think you can also track down people. At least I think psychics can do that, I've seen it on tv." I said.

"Ok lemme try."

"You need a map and something to point with." I stated

"Ok well let's get out of here, it's starting to smell like fish." Alex declared.

"I can change that, how do you wanna smell fruity, smart, hot, anything you want?" Sea responds.

"I guess I want to smell like coconut." I said

"Ok than " suddenly everything smelled like coconut. We left the bathroom, but Percy was still waiting for me. I tried to leave the other way but he followed me and said "
I'm so sorry Aqua and how'd u get that hot dress on you?"

"Why do you care if Sea had a spare, as you so kindly ruined my shorts. Did you just call my dress hot?"

He just kept looking at me with that dress as if I was cake and I'm so not in the mood to play the helpless maiden. Next time I tell Sea what I want to change into."Can you stop staring at me?"

"Sorry, but you look hot."

"Well ok than buddy, if u ever call me that again I'll get. Understood?"

"Got it"

"See ya." I said

He outstretched his arms for a hug and I said "Not gonna happen, I'll go for shaking your hand."

"Good enough for me."

We shook hands and I caught up with Sea and Alex.

They were giggling at my whole conversation because Alex was replaying it in her head. Stupid psychic powers. Then Sea started scolding me for not moving when I had my chance. We decided to go for a swim, so I could clear my head and so Sea can ask questions about Percy while Alex threatens her to stop.

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