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Comment your fave character. This is my first time posting something on wattpad so sorry for all the mistakes. It never was meant to be posted and yes I got some ideas from H2o so some of these ideas are not mine. I repeat not mine well enjoy the story. Tell me what you think of it. -Mermaidlover101


I ignored percy hand around my waist after my many attempts to make him let go of me. So I just put on a smile and faked a preppy voice that made me want to gag and said, "so what's your name. My name is Aqua. My friend on my left is Sea and the guy next to me is my cousin Percy." I grinned now he can't act as if he was my boyfriend.

The boy that was next to me and that percy was staring daggers at said "cool. My name is Will and this" he pointed to the boy who was obviously interested in Sea but will continued saying "is Jake."

Jake shook my hand and than Percy's. I saw him wince when percy squeezed his hand.

But Jake acted as if nothing happened ands said "Nice to meet you"

Percy was about to open his mouth but I quickly stepped on his foot with the pointy part in the heel. I heard him under his breath saying tons of curses and a whimper. I smirked to myself.

So I said "did you hear everyone talk about the new scientist. She sounds......amaze-balls."

I wanted to gag with that adjective and percy snorted. Sea gave a little giggle with my word choice. I quickly kicked percy in the shin and whispered in clenched teeth because of the smile plastered on my face "whoops looks like that's gonna leave a bruise."

He whispered back, "as long as its a bruise from you. I'm ok with it." And he smirked.

I glared at him, but he let go of my waist which was a smart move.

Will oblivious to the war between me and percy said "yeah everyone's talking about her. They all say she's researching around here because of a rare species of sharks."

I glanced at percy and he gave me and I told you so look. Than will seeing nothing around my waist put his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him.

I looked at percy and saw him glare at him and heard a growl escape from Percy's lips. Not wanting for anyone to get in a fight I quickly took of Will's hand around me, when he tried again i zapped him. He let out a howl of pain and I heard percy laugh and smirk. I smirked back at him.

Will clenching his lip asked, "did you just shock me?"

I acted surprised, "what!?"

Will chuckled and said "well you can make it up to me by letting me buy you a smoothie."

I gave Percy a pleading look.

Percy quickly stepped in, "sorry Will but Aqua and I have to go home because Aunt Karren made us dinner. So sea, aqua, and I have to go because than shell go crazy if we get there late."

I have will a fake sad smile and looked at sea she looked relieved.

I said "well nice meeting you guys. Bye"

The boys looked confused but Sea, percy and I quickly ran to Alex's frowning figure.

Alex almost pleaded "please tell me those boys didn't know anything about that scientist." Sea and I shook our heads and told her it was gossip and percy just heard it and wanted to save us.

Alex just shook her head not believing it and looked at percy in the eye, "so who told you."

For the first time percy got all red and mumbled something I couldn't understand.

Alex said "what?"

He than said "Regina told me. When I was leaving she was talking to me about that and than changed the subject about aqua. She said why I would be dating someone like you. So I told her to back off and that you were like 100 times better and prettier than her. I told her that you were the best thing that happened to me. I told her that sometimes I think that I don't deserve you" he blushed like crazy when he said all that.

I started blushing and said "thank you percy that was really sweet. I think your pretty great" He smirked and I knew I just boosted up his ego so to make him shut up I kissed him on the lips.

I heard alex gagging and from the corner of my eye saw her pretend to shoot herself with her finger gun. i than heard seas awwe. After that he said "please don't ever wear those clothes again. I mean you look like smoking hot but you look uncomfortable. Don't change."

I hugged him for that comment and said "I'd never change. I'm really sorry for not believing you."

He smiled and said "don't worry I think you made up for it" he winked at me.

Sea than said "I'm sorry I turned you to a bunny and wanted to turn you to a chicken and eat you."

Percy just look frightened when she said that and backed away from her and said "uh please don't ever do that and um apology accepted.... I think."

He than looked at Alex expectantly but Alex just glared back until she finally said "I'm not gonna say sorry you know I was gonna do that to you someday at least you got over it now. But next time you do something bad ill go a little easier on you as a gift. But I still got my eyes on you and you better take good care of aqua or else everything I did to you today is gonna seem like cake."

Percy just smiled seeming to know this was a s close of a sorry he'd get from Alex. I checked my watch "shoot! Percy we have to be at dinner in an hour. Go home and shower because you smell like dead fish. I probably do too. I have to go shower. Bye"

I was just about to run when sea called out "um aqua I don't think your parents want to see you wearing that."

I said "oh right. I forgot" than I blushed

Sea pointed at me and changed me back to the old clothes I was wearing.

Percy got up and said "bye. See you later"

I ran to my house and hopped in the shower. Finally peace but than I remembered percy'll be here in 45 minutes and all peace left. I didn't wang to leave percy alone with my father. who knows what stupid thing percy might say or what embarrassing thing my dad would do. I than fell in the shower with a thud and saw my lavender and blue colored tail and smiled. Lots of things have changed.

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