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I quickly dried myself with my heat. I put on a cute tank top with jeans and flip flops. I put on a little bit of make up to look attractive and than heard the door go ding!dong! I ran down the stairs to answer the door before my dad could. I opened it and smirked at percy because of what he was wearing and holding.

He was wearing a plain dressy t-shirt with jeans and sneakers with a lot of cologne. He had in his hands flowers and cake.

I smirked and said "who are you trying to impress?"

He smirked and said, "only you. And your mom. And hopefully your dad"

He than grabbed a flower and tucked it in my ear. I blushed and he swooped down about to kiss me when my dad barged in looking casual yet with a maniac smile. Percy lost balance by my dad and almost fell but he caught himself but I didn't and I fell in his arms.

He smirked and whispered so only I could hear "how sweet your already falling for me."

He quickly helped me stand and than took out his hand to shake with my father "hello Mr. Chase. I'm percy thank you for letting me join you for dinner."

My dad shook his hand with bone crushing force and saw Percy's grimace in pain and my father grinned.

I quickly said "well dad I'm gonna introduce percy to mom." I dragged him to the kitchen.

My mom was busy making dinner but when she saw him she ran up and hugged him. He smiled and hugged her back.

Than my mom opened her mouth "wow percy! It is so nice to meet you! You are so handsome with those bright green eyes. Why if you marry Aqua-"

I barged in not wanting to hear my future with percy "wow mom this smells great. Where's Anna. I think she'll be happy to see him."

Percy smirked and when he was about to open his mouth probably to continue talking to my mom about my future when I kicked his shin. My mom gasped, percy just shrugged but winced in pain.

I quickly put on a sorry face and said "sorry my foot just had a spasm." I glared at percy when she turned around. She looked confused but I dragged him away to Anna.

Anna was watching tv and when he came she blushed like crazy. Percy saw this and shot me a smirk as if saying all the girls do this why can't you.

He than said, "hey Anna."

She stuttered, "h-h-hey percy."

They than started talking about jake and the Neverland pirates. Since Percy's little brother watched it when percy has to take care of him. When they ran out of things to say percy went to the kitchen to help my mom. How sweet! But since it was percy he probably just wanted to hear embarrassing things from my mom.

My mom said, "how sweet are you percy. Helping me out. Oh and you cook."

Percy than told her that he pretty much raised his brothers after their mom's death because his dad was always at work.he told her that he cooked for them every day except the weekends and Friday when they got take out.he told her hes on the schools soccer team which I quickly added he was co-captain of the varsity team because he's only a sophomore.

After hearing all this my mom said the words that will confirm me getting a German Shepard soon.

She said, "percy come by anytime you want. Seriously. You can even bring your little brothers. And your dad because I want to meet them."

20 minutes later we all sat down and prayed and ate. Just because percy was here didn't meant I'd go all skinny cheerleader on him, I mean I'm skinny because of my fast metabolism and I'm pretty much muscles because I do volleyball.

Percy just kept laughing and smirking at me when he saw my appetite. My dad just kept sending glares at him but then my mom whispered something which reduced the occasional glares.

My dad suddenly burst the question everyone on the table wanted to know "so percy how man girlfriends have you had because if you even lie to me ill know and make you regret it."

My mom scolded my father and apologized to percy.

Percy just ruffled his hair obviously nervous and embarrassed, but said "don't worry Mrs. Chase. The truth is Mr. Chase I never had a girlfriend. I was too busy with my family and soccer but now that my brothers are a little older. The stress got less... Sir"

My dad than continued his interrogation, "what made you have interest in Aqua?"

Percy just blushed but composed himself and said, "she was different than other girls. She doesn't care what people think of her."

My dad just chuckled to himself obviously proud on how I act and than he said, "we'll about time a nice guy like you came along. I prefer you than most of the other teenage male species. But if you break her heart me and Alex will break you."

Percy than got pale but managed to say, "don't worry it won't happen sir. Your daughter can take care of herself quite well."

My dad said, "of course she can. She's done karate all her life and can snap your arm like a twig"

Percy smirked at me but said "let's just hope she doesn't break me."

My dad laughed and said, "you passed. Guess ill be seeing you more often."

Percy said "thank you sir" relief written all over his face.

After that we made jokes and talked about school and soccer. Before we knew it percy had to go home. He said good bye to everybody and I stood to lead him to the door.

He said "bye aqua" than he came closer and whispered "guess ill be coming more often. I think I warmed up to your dad."

I laughed and said "maybe your right."

He said "can this count as our first date?"

I laughed and said "sure."

He bent down and kissed me quickly.

He whispered, "I just warmed up to your dad I don't want him to kill me now."

With that I kissed him on the cheek and he left.

My family was pretty happy with percy but my dad said, "he's still a teenage boy but I prefer him than the others."

With that I helped clean the kitchen and went up to bed. I dreamt about percy.

But than my phone buzzed taking me out of my dreams. Dang it why didn't I turn it off. But I read what it said. It said "dr. Hoffman joins marine biologists and highschool students Regina hale, Leah Ramos, and George damien helping out dr. Hoffman on her new project. But such information isn't allowed to be told to media. Stay tuned. I looked at who sent me it. It was percy. We probably thought the same thing. Those other student were Regina's best friends and now that dr Hoffman joined I doubt it's a lets save the sea project. With dr. Hoffman searching mako and Regina and her friends helping this isn't a Normal project.

I quickly texted him back saying "can we check it out tomorrow after school"

He texted" I don't have practice so well go tomorrow"

I texted "we can search some more info on it during home room, Free period, and computer class. Ill tell sea and Alex tomorrow"

He texted "sounds good."

I checked the time 3 AM only 4 hours until I have to wake up

I texted "do u kno what time it is?"

He said "ya 3AM"

I said "ok why are up so late."

He said "something about the doctor searching mako was making it suspicious and I couldn't sleep."

I said "oh ok. Go to sleep. For me. Your not gonna be help if your tired."

He replied, "fine for you.wait so your in your pjs. Are they hot?"

I rolled my eyes but forgot that he couldn't see them and replied "shut up you pervert. Good night."

He replied "so no picture? :( good night ;)

I fell asleep with thought of Regina and dr. Hoffman.

My Mermaid LifeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin