Girl talk and revenge

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"Soooooooo.... You and Dan? Huh, Alex?" Squealed sea, who moments ago was saddened by nate's and Jackson's behavior.

"We just kissed. He didn't propose." Grunted Alex. I'm pretty sure she wanted to avoid this topic but sadly sea didn't get the hints, or she probably just ignored Alex's hints.

I decided to get off the topic since Alex looked ready to strangle sea of she talked any more about Dan and Chelsea looked uncomfortable being the one seated between sea and Alex.

I said, "so sea? Who do you actually like? Nate or Jackson?"

Sea frowned, " I-I -I dont know. They both are awesome. Nate is the sweet one in shining armor, but Jackson is the funny hot guy."

Alex muttered, "I'd pick Nate because Jackson's my brother and he's just so..... Jackson"

I told sea, "well if I were you, I wouldn't go to one guy than the other because Nate and Jackson look ready to slit each others throats."

Sea sighed, "I'll just not go on dates with them. Maybe ill go on a date with another guy and see which reaction is better between the guys."

Alex sighed. Chelsea looked uncomfortable so I just gave her a weak smile and told her she didn't have to be here. She gave me a thankful smile and left.

I than turned to sea, "sea you can't just use those guys. One it's not cool. Two you'll be living with them for who knows how long."

Sea smiled weakly, "I guess your right. I don't have to make a choice right now."

Alex than grinned, "which ever guy breaks your heart ill hurt them."

We all laughed at Alex's excitement for violence.

I than said "so what about you and Dan."

Alex glared but said, "there's nothing between me and him. It was an accident and if he even tries ill knee him in the gut or...." She grinned evily, "worse."

Sea looked shocked, "what do you mean? I thought you guys hooked and him were so happy. And you kissed him back."

Alex growled, "I'm not interested. He never takes the hint to back off. It's annoying. I wasn't happy and I kissed him back because I though he was interested in me, but no he thinks of me like a special candy that he can't get."

I instantly felt bad for alex. I'm pretty sure Dan doesn't look at her like that. But well.. Dan is Dan, and I don't know him well enough to judge. It's Alex's life so I'm not gonna butt in.

Sea didn't have the same idea as me she said, "what noooo! I saw it in his eyes. He's practically in love with you."

I saw a flash of hope in Alex's eyes, that if you didn't know her enough you'd think you imagined it, but than it instantly was replaced by doubt and anger.

She growled, "sea drop it. I'm not gonna be his toy. He can get any girl but suddenly he's interested in me. The one that tortures him and disobeys him. The one that doesn't fall on his feet for him. The one who doesn't laugh at his jokes but instead counters with her own jokes. The one that made him take off everything except for his boxers and dance in front of girls.dont forget the one that curses at him. I don't dress like those other girls in short things"

Sea looked at Alex with sad eyes, than a flash of excitement took place in her eyes, "wait you just said your me. But you are you and if he doesnt like that hes a jerk amd doesnt deserve you. some other guys already love you. And wait what about him that danced in his boxers in front of girls?"

Alex just mumbled, "I was annoyed that he wouldn't give me the game counseler in the lounge. So when the girls crowded all over him, I controlled him to do that." She grinned weakly.

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