Time to hide or fight

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I pressed on the gas pedal when the black SUV hit my car. Im going to kill them. Do you know how much I had to pay for insurance?

With the bump from the car sea awoke and sputtered "why did the car just shake violently? Why is my head on a really hot guys lap while my legs are on Alex and this random girl?"

Nate chuckled, "well good morning to you. By The way the name's Nate. What's your name gorgeous?"

Nate is hot I guess. He reminded me of Peter but Nate looked more trustworthy and sweet. He also looks like he doesn't date a lot. But those are looks so you can't judge by looks. He had a dark blonde hair that was sort of curly, with deep brown eyes, and a nice smile that melts girls hearts. But like I said, I'm not really into blondes.

Sea was about to answer when I yelled "her name is sea. Can we give the introductions later when we aren't about to be freaking killed."

Everyone was silent.

I continued "now Nate, why did the black car just hit us. I thought we were invisible."

Nate said, "they probably got a lucky-" the care hot us again when Nate was about to finish his sentence.

Nate suddenly looked frightened and cursed, "they must've found a formula to use that girl's power. She could see people even if they were invisible."

I said, "wait what girl?"

Chelsea answered "lily. She died because of all the chemicals in her body."

I gasped horrified.

Chelsea continued "they must've gotten a formula and made glasses."

Alex interrupted, "ok smart Barbie chick. Thanks for all the info but I really want to live. So any ideas that we can get out alive?"

Chelsea smirked, "my power can help. And that hot guy that saved me I guess got the same power as me. Oh and Malibu Barbie I can creat force fields to save us from getting hit."

Alex looked about to smack Chelsea when I stepped in "Alex let her do her power."

Chelsea smirked at Alex. Alex stuck the finger at her.

I than asked Alex "can you send a message to Peter to try to use his power"

Alex nodded and concentrated.

Five seconds later she said, "I told him. He said he's gonna try."

Chelsea soon stuck out her hand and the SUV went flying behind us. It struck land and exploded. Chelsea than put the force field around the car to protect us from the fire, heat, and car remains.

Peter did the same. I heard him yell out "take that you -"

We took care of the cars chasing us but left quickly. Afraid there would be more.

Alex sent percy a message to meet up at my house.

45 minutes later we got home.

We got out of the cars and ran towards my house.

My family ran downstairs.

My mom said "Aqua what happened?"

We told her the story of how we became mermaids, about Regina and her friends, dr. Hoffman, and about Chelsea, Nate, and Dan.

Dan than told us his power. His power was teleportation He also told us they tried to make them mermaids but failed so they only got powers.

My parents were soon stressed and demanded my friends to call their parents to come to my parents right now.

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