Practice makes perfect

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Percy arrived with Peter, Chelsea, Dan, and Nate. While Ash and Ariel arrived with Sea and Alex in tow.

Meridia cleared her throat and said, " You will all learn to train with your powers and without. You can not rely solely on your powers. We will increase your strength-"

Meridia was cut off when behind the bushes were five grumbling teenage boys.

Jackson said, "Nate is not going to train with Sea by himself. He's not manly enough."

Jackson sent a smirk towards Nate and Nate growled. 

Before Meridia could respond to this thing, Ariel swept in squealing "Oh. My. God. Actual real normal boys. Ash look at them. They can't do anything. Wow!"

Blake, Will, and Kyle who were checking out our three 'guides' sputtered indignantly.

Blake said, "Actually we're men. Well Kyle, Will, and I are. Jackson claims to be one but he's not and Justin is only 14. I'm nineteen by the way."

He sent Ash a wink. Boy, did he just do a mistake.

Ash snorted, "Wow you are such a man!" She mocked.

Ash continued, "Why even Hercules would be jealous."

Blake coughed, "Wait. Like the actual Hercules? You think I'm manlier than him? Sweet."

Clearly Blake did not understand sarcasm and what Ash was implying.

Ash gave up on sarcasm and went straight to being blunt.

She said, "No, you moron. I'm more than a thousand years old and you are just a little boy to me."

Blake's eyes widened but I heard him whisper to Will, "I call dibs, I like them rough." Blake sent Alex a lazy smug smile.

Ash is going to crush his heart. Literally. If he doesn't stop.

Meridia cleared her throat, "As you wish boys or what you like to call men. We will work on strength, agility, flexibility, defense, increasing your reflexes, and assertiveness. You will be like cats. Any questions?"

I doubt the guys heard anything due to the fact they were zoning out and checking out the three supernatural beauty queens. Well when training begins and the guys have no clue what to do, the girls are going to have to teach them a lesson.

Dan raised his hand and Percy raised his eyebrow. Clearly Dan wasn't interested in what came out of her mouth. I doubt he even heard what she said.

Meridia said, "Yes?"

Dan grinned, "I have two questions. First, how exactly will we learn flexibility? Will it include guys paired with girls? I'm pretty sure the girls can teach-"

He stopped short when Alex punched him in the gut to shut up.

Ash's once bored eyes sparked with interest.

She said, "Alex, you need to put more force and not have your nails digging your palm to have more strength."

Alex instead of being offended, took the advice.

She said, "Thanks. I knew something was wrong."

She followed Ash's instructions and punched Dan again.

Dan was left howling in pain and cursing.

Ash said, "Very nice form. I'll teach you more defense tactics later."

When he managed to stop; he said, "Save the roughness for later. Ok, babe?"

Alex just kicked sand at his face and smirked.

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