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We were halfway to the island, and the three of us didn't even feel the habit exhausted even though we had been swimming the whole time.

After a while Dan yelled, "I'm jumping in the water because not everyday I can get to enjoy a pink hot Alex."

Alex's dad I guess heard it from the other boat and said, "heyyy that's my daughter!"

Alex grinned and said innocently, "don't worry daddy of he even tries anything ill snap his arm like a twig."

Alex's dad said, "yup that's my girl."

Dan started laughing but when all the boys including percy and Peter gave him a look, Dan whitened.

Percy said, "see this scar chest. It's from Alex,"

Dan asked what only a perverted Dan would ask, "how'd she get to do that on your bare chest?"

Percy started but than got red from embarrassment, "hey I was aqua's boyfriend at the time and it was when they thought I betrayed them. So Alex lured me in the water, smacked my chest with her tail and smacked my face, too. But it healed. Anyway the smack ripped my shirt and when I tried to get her away from a doofus, Alex tackled me."

Dan whitened more.

Alex laughed even though she couldn't see dan's face from the water, "that's right, percy."

Dan brightened, "well I, going to the water."

Peter interrupted, "but who's gonna drive the boat?"

Dan said in a duh tone, "you, pretty boy."

Peter said, "we can't drive.

Dan countered,"yeah well neither can I, but I'm doing it." He than started doing a dance and yelling, "hey cops! An underage teenage boy is driving a boat!"

Peter said, "why? Why? Out of all people am I stuck with you. I even might prefer percy more than you."

Percy smirked, "you just can't handle my hottness."

I almost laughed, "what hottness?"

He smirked, "very funny aqua you just can't resist me." He than jumped in the water, leaving a jealous Peter and an annoyed Dan.

Dan yelled, "hey that was my idea, but with you know Alex."

He than jumped and yelled, "KYLE DRIVE SINCE PRETTY BOY CAN'T"

He than started swimming towards Alex and she just smirked.

Jackson said, "well I'm done being a lazy dude. I'm gonna go swim with sea."

Nate said, "nuh uh. I wanted to."

They than started bickering like children, until sea screeched, "SHUT UP! Sort it out and until that happens than Peter can swim. With me"

Peter who was eating a bag of chips spit it on poor unexpected Kyle who was sadly in the line of fire from peter's mouth.

Kyle yelled, "dude. Why do they smell like mint?"

Sea yelled, "AS FRIENDS."

Peter instantly relaxed, "good. I mean no offense sea, your hot but not really my type."

Sea said, "non taken you aren't mine either."

I than made a water bubble filled with air and put it over percy.

He grinned and we went under leaving all the other people fighting.

He than grabbed my hand and said what I think was, "Hot mermaid."

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