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When my alarm ranged I quickly grabbed my phone and forwarded the message to sea and Alex and added lets talk about it in home room.

i quickly ate my breakfast when

Anna started yelling "why are you up early?"

I just smirked and said "none of your business."

She than grinned evily and yelled "I know why. You wanna get there early to see percy and kiss him because you are in loooooooooove."

I blushed but said angrily "ever heard of extra credit." And with that I put my plate in the dishwasher. Than said "see ya Anna. Don't fall in love with ray." I saw her blush and smirked when she was about to say something I slammed the door.

I got in my car and picked up sea and Alex. I picked up sea and she kept on asking about the dinner last night. I told her I'd tell her about it once we figure out what the doctor and Regina were planning.

She was disappointed but also curious about the doctor and Regina. I picked up Alex and all three of us talked about it. Alex thought of some pretty violent ideas of getting the answer like kicking George where it hurts to get some answers but me and sea vetoed the idea. She simply frowned.

When I parked I saw percy at the enterance and I ran to him. I jumped and he caught me and I hugged him.

He just chuckled "wow, excited to see me? I was excited to see you too."

I smiled and kissed his cheek. I heard Alex gagging and making motions as if she was trying to kill herself. For Alex's sake I got off Percy's arms. When I saw Percy's face I found out although I'd never admit it but I liked percy since sixth grade but since he never gave me the time of day I just became more snippy to him and acted as if I'd never have a crush on him. I actually used to imagine me dating him and now it's happening. I never noticed my smile until percy gave me a quizzical look and alex asked "what are you smiling about?"

I said "nothing."

Than I said "ok we have to know more about the marine biology building so I guess we'll have to split up the work. Since Alex and I had computer class together we'll find research that we can only find in the Internet because I want to go today. Sea can you get some information out of Regina since what ermmm... Happened with percy. Percy do you think you can get some information from George since you guys are in the soccer team?"

Alex nodded.

Sea said "sure ill try."

Percy just said "I think I can get some info from him about the place and doctor."

I just nodded and said "ok we'll go right after school. Percy do you want to ride with us?"

He smirked and said "if me an you are alone in the back"

I just gave him the finger because we might be in a relationship but that doesn't mean ill get all mushy for him. I than said "Alex and sea can't drive sorry"

He just said "guess ill take my car. I'd ask you to go alone with me but they can't drive."

Alex and sea protested that it was the instructors fault.

Percy and I just started to crack up.

The ball rang and we all went our seperate ways. I went through my classes and finally made it to computers with Alex. I told her to look up the place and I'd research the doctor. I quickly typed in her name and saw the usual information. Where she graduated and her major,be here she was from,by he new job she got and the new project she was working on. I typed in her project but nothing popped up.i just about have up hope when something caught my eye.

The headline read "Dr. Hoffman crazy? At the age of 22 she said that mermaids were real and shed show proof to the world." That was 10 years ago it also stated that she was brought to a mental institute but was cured and is now a great well known scientist.

I printed up the page and put it in my pocket when Alex yelled "found some info"

I ran up to her but she just frowned "i opened it but it instantly went black. I caught a couple of words it said dr was researching mystical and all I caught of the next word was a letter c."

I told her what I found and together we hit the jackpot. The bell rang signaling to return to home room to leave.we ran to find percy and sea.

Percy's p.o.v.

God aqua is hot but the reason I liked her was she's not like the other girls. She doesn't dress in short things I've never seen her wear things like that until sea changed her clothes to get me back. She looked fantastic but uncomfortable. She also doesn't act all sweet and mushy like the other girls because well she's tough but at the same time girly. She was balanced and it made me like her even more. I'd do anything for her. The only reason I annoyed her was because that was what caught her attention and made her talk to me. So I'm taking to George Damion which is like talking to a bull it goes through one ear and out the other.

I went up and talked to him but all he said in response was "hey your dating that hot chick aqua right? Nice catch."

It angered me how he could talk about aqua like that she isn't a toy. "Yeah she's my girlfriend. As in not single.nada taken. She's mine. Like a baby is to their mother. Understood. Nod if you did." I just wanted to prove my point to him I'm not acting possesive. He just looked at me weirdly but said ''got it. But if she's single mind telling me."

I decided to change the topic before I punched the guy.

"so I hear your working for that doctor."

He grunted "yeah she's hot."

"How old I she?"

"I think 32. Why?"

''just asking."

"what ever"

"so what got you interested in working with her?"

"can u stop asking questions"

I saw his uncomfortable face and thought this was all the proof I needed.

Aquas p.o.v.

Sea came running to us and told us that Regina wouldn't tell her anything. Meanwhile percy said George was uncomfortable talking about it and that the dr was 32. Alex and I told them what we found out.

Sea squealed "Regina is so the evil mermaid. George must be a merman"

Percy snickered at the thought and Alex was laughing so hard I think she peed. After we shared all the information we headed to our cars. To the Marine biology building where I felt something bad was gonna happens but I ignored it.


Sooo what do you guys think? How do you like Perqua? I thought percy was pretty funny when he was overprotective about aqua towards George. Next chapter is gonna get interesting. So stay tuned (great now I sound like one of those Disney channel hosts) ;) -mermaidlover101

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