On the run

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Percy's dad instantly alerted me to get Alex's attention.

I sprayed water at dan's face and Alex started brain talk.

Chelsea told them what happened with the force field and Alex started arguing with him.

I instantly defended Peter saying," it's not his fault. "

Sea, Alex, percy, Peter, Chelsea, Dan, Nate, and I told our parent and siblings to stay in the car.

The parents instantly argued with us which almost caused my dad to crash. Don't ever try talking in your mind while driving, it's dangerous and leaves quite a headache.

Jackson started saying, "we'll I'm the manliest and Alex fighting for me is going to hurt my manly pride so I'm fighting."

Alex snorted, "what manly pride?"

Then everyone started arguing and I yelled "enough! The parents must stay in the car and so will Anna, jake, and Sam. Understood. If one of us gets hurt you can at least be a parent to one of the younger siblings please understand or we will confine you with our powers which could drain us quicker. Kyle, will, justin, and jake you guys can come and fight to protect your manly ego but if it starts getting dangerous your back in. Understood?"

Kyle and will mumbled "fine"

Justin said, "I'm ready."

Jake said, "your gonna need the manliest guy here."

The guys were about to argue more when the parents barged in.

They finally let us go and Alex's dad said "whip 'em good girls. Show jake who's the manliest errrr.. Girliest. I mean show 'em who's the boss."

Alex stepped in "dad just don't. By the way guys well show you how it's done. We practiced on percy."

Percy whinnied "come on you caught me off guard and I didn't get my powers yet."

Sea retorted, "Admit it. We whipped you good."

Before percy could respond Alex shut of brain talk and the teenagers got out.

Dan quickly teleported us to the scientists.


There was a big hole the size of a crater caused by the explosion. There was smoke, debris, and ashes from all that was destroyed. But luckily there wasn't any dead people.

We found Regina, George, And Leah along with three boys and two girls.

The two boys looked like twins with black wavy hair and brown eyes and looked seventeen.

The other one looked our age sixteen with reddish brown hair and violet eyes,

One girl looked seventeen with long light brown hair and green eyes. I noticed she was eyeing Jackson. Seriously we are about to fight to death and you gawk at a hot guy? I glanced at Sea and she looked as if she was blowing smoke. I decided that sea should fight her and backed off.

The other one looked Russian and sixteen with high defined features and long blonde hair. She was eyeing percy in a way I didn't like so I decided I'd fight her.

Alex switched on brain talk.

Sea instantly screeched "I call the chick with the brown hair. She's gonna get it."

Jackson asked, "why?"

Sea lied, "uhhhh she looks like my kinda fight."

Jackson replied "how do you know what fights you are?"

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