Did he just ask me out?

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By the time the bell rang, I left the room in search of Alex and Sea. I can't believe Alex can tell the future! I caught site of Sea and Alex and the story came tumbling out of my mouth.

"Are you serious?" Alex screeched, " You get the cool water powers and all I can do is tell the future!"

Then Sea cut in and said what only Sea could think of at a time like this " OH MY GOD! Percy asked you out on a date. I knew he was into you. What are you going to wear?"

"Sea seriously? The only thing he talks about in class is about this hot surfer girl. If he liked me he would not say that in front of me that he is interested in other women. I will never ever fall for him, the guy is a jerk and only cares about himself! He probably told me to go get a smoothie because he has some sort of devious plan."

Sea responds, "Well duh he's trying to make you jealous. And I think your overreacting with the last part. I mean what do you not find attractive about him. Bluish green eyes and black hair. Geez, if he wasn't interested in you I'd take him. Oh God you are falling for him."

I respond calmly, "Sea you are completely crazy, now let's discuss more important matters."

I noticed that Alex was making shushing noises and I turned around.

Well speaking of the devil,  the king of jerks was listening to our conversation about him.

"Aqua, I don't think you know the real me, so can I talk with you? Alone."  Wow, he actually wasn't arrogant in one sentence


"But I do agree with Sea about my looks." There goes his ego. I'm trapped with him because Sea dragged Alex away and left me.

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