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Wow guys! I think I can actually do two chapters in ONE DAY OMG


 ~*Cinthia's POV*~

"Really, Monica? Titanium?" I asked, my stomach rumbling a bit, and I immediately regretted eating that corn dog, "Why don't we get on the bumper cars or something?" 

"No way!" cried Monica as she ran to the line, "Come on Cinthia!" she yelled across, "don't be such a scardy cat!" I groaned and sighed, "the stupid things you make me do." I mumbled, a bit annoyed. See if there was one thing you needed to know about Monica if you ever went a carnival with her. 

If you go with her; you better be expected to ride every single roller coaster there is. 

Not its not that I wasn't afraid of heights, I'm not Sammey; now that girl is TERRIFIED but, that's another story for later. Its just that... this peculiar roller coaster did in fact scare the crap out of me; you could obviously tell it was terrifying because of the multiple screams that were radiating from the top of the coaster. 

In the enormous  line you could even hear the people's silent whispers that were full of anxiousness, 'So tall...' 

'can we fall from such a height?'

'God I think I'm going to puke.' 

Yeah... they were real motivating. 

"Dude," I said, "It's a pretty long line, why don't we come back later when its a bit shorter?" I asked, hoping to get rid of her eagerness to get on that ride. 

"No! Because if we leave the line's going to be bigger when we return! Might as well get on the ride and leave it as that." But before I could respond my phone beeped and I fished it out of my pocket.

You have one new message from: Sammey Blake

Saturday 8:24 pm 

Hey hon! How' you doin? aha, having fun at the carnival with Monica? Say hi for me! x

I smiled as I read the text, of course she would ask how we were doing, so typical Sammey. Quickly I clicked 'reply' and typed in, 'Hi there good sir! We're doing fine, but Monica's making me get on this GIANT ride that practically has people peeing their pants and I'm freaked ;-; what 'bout you? How's Pre-Cal?''

 ~*Liam's POV*~

 Its officially 8:30 pm and I haven't seen Monica, Cinthia OR Sammey. So far, Harry's had a cotton candy, a funnel cake, (which is REAL GOOD) and a corn dog; Zayn's had pretty much the same thing, and me.. well, I haven't had anything becides a piece of Harry's funnel cake. 

I'd been real preoccupied to even get something to eat even though my stomach clearly wanted to punch me. I swear, at the rate that we're going we were NEVER going to find the girls, in fact we didn't even know if they were HERE. "Li?" said a voice that shattered everything in my head. 

"What's up, H?" I asked as I cleared my throat and looked at Harry, "nothing," he replied, "its just that... you seem a bit tense, why don't we get on a ride?" he asked.

"Yeah!" said Zayn, "like that one!" he pointed to a silver colored ride, 'Titanium' it said. "Jesus." I replied, "are you crazy guys? We could get recognized or something? Thank god we can do an American accent, imagine if we didn't? But no.. we're here to look for the girls, not ride some rides in a carnival." 

Best vacation so far...Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora