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I dedicate this chappie to SinNaMe for being there for me when I wrote my first story 'Stuck In Phantom World,' you mean the world to me, thank you for supporting me.


My mother was the first one to break out of the spell, "Hello," she said sweetly, "my name is Cecilia, but you can call me Cecy, it's very nice to meet you boys."

After that everyone pretty much said 'Hello' to the boys, although between you and me, I don't really think my father was all happy. My favorite cousin Miranda, (which was the one that hugged me) excused herself, ran up the stairs to my room, and screamed her head off for a good...twenty seconds I beleive, then she came down and introduced herself properly to the boys.

I really didn't know how to explain to my mother that Harry and I were dating officially, so I did the only thing I knew to do.

I asked her for a little private talk.

"You're dating him?" she said in disbelief, "Which one?"

"The cute one."

My mom gave me a look, "Honey, I hate to say this but their all cute, all of your cousins are going crazy for them."

She had a point there. "The one with the curly hair," I replied, "Aw honey!" she cried, "He seems like a nice young man!"

'you've only spoken to him for two minutes.' I thought. "Yes, he is,"

When I finished telling my mother, she assured me that she would tell my dad and that she would calm him down if anything happened. After that, I went out and searched for Harry in my Swiss Family nightmare, two minutes later I found him talking to my grandma. And this is very sad because my grandma speaks only Spanish.

"Tu no eres de aqui?" (You're not from here?) she kept asking, but Harry looked dumbfounded, when he saw me he let out a huge sigh of relief.

"Sammey," he started saying, "she pulled me aside and started asking me all these questions! I don't know what she is saying!" Harry whinnied. I laughed, "Que necesitas abuelita?" (What do you need grandma?) "Nada." (nothing.) she replied, "Nada mas, quería saber quien es ella, y de donde viene." ( I just wanted to know who she is, and where she came from.)

At this I nearly face palmed, "Abuelita, no es 'ella' es un macho." (Grandma, it's not a 'she' it's a he.) "Oh." she replied, "Entonces quien es?" ( Well who is he?) "Mi novio, Harry Styles." (My boyfriend Harry Styles.) My grandma cried in joy, "mi nieta tiene novio! Es este muchacho que esta aquí alado mío !" (My granddaughter has a boyfriend! It's this young man right here!)

'Okay,' I thought, 'Not the best way for your family to know your dating one of the biggest superstars in the U.K. And the United States.'

Everybody stood quiet as they stared at Harry and I, "What did she say?" he whispered.

"She pretty much announced to my whole family that you and I are dating." I whispered back.

"Oh. So no pressure?"

Everyone erupted to a round of applause, my cousin stared at me in shock, "You're dating Harry Styles?!" she asked, "Yup," he replied as he gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Oh my god." she whispered, then she leaned in close, "How come you didn't save me one!?" I laughed, "Sorry."

The guys were getting along pretty well with my family, some of my girl cousins were swooning over Zayn, but he was just being his usual self, Louis was...well Louis. Liam was sitting down with my uncle, talking about who knows what, amd Niall...well I didn't know where Niall was.

I told Harry that I would be right back and left him in the clutches of my cousin, i asked my mom if she knew where Niall was, she looked at me with a blank face before I said, "The blonde one."

"Oh!" she said, "Poor dear, he said he was starving, so I told him to get anything he wants from the fridge." I dashed to the kitchen and found Niall chomping on three sandwiches.

"What are you doing?" I asked, "Mm...eating." he responded.

"Noo.. Really? I thought you were taking a shower."

He giggled, "Just don't eat all the food," I told him, "I need to make a big dinner and breakfast."

"Okay..." he replied while chomping down on two sandwiches. I sighed and clumsily made my way back to Harry. My family stated here for another good twenty minutes more before saying that they had to leave and that they'd be back tomorrow for the reunion. And let me tell you something. This, isn't even the beginning of my family.

Finally my house was quiet, and all i needed to do was introduce the boys to my family.

"Everybody sit down." said a voice. I turned and saw my dad standing up, everybody immediately sat down. "first of all," he said while turning to me and smiling, "welcome home honey." I smiled and nodded, "and second of all," he walked towards the boys, "It's very nice to meet you, my name is Vicente." all the guys stood up and shook hands with him, as he shook hands with Harry, I noticed that he kept a tight grip on him. Finally, he said, "I understand that you are my daughters boyfriend-"

"Excuse me sir," said Harry, "I am very sorry for cutting you off, but I just wanted to say something first, if thats okay with you."

My father stared at him before saying, "Okay."

"I know that you're worried for your daughters safety, health, and if her heart gets broken, and all I wanted to say is that, I will never, ever do anything to hurt her.

She is the first person apart from my family and my mates," he motioned to Niall, Louis, Liam, and Zayn, "that has made me feel normal, that has made me feel like Harry, not Harry Styles from One Direction. I will never disrespect her, or make her feel as if she isn't beautiful. I just wanted you to know that, well, she's in good hands sir."

My father just stared at him, you would of thought we were in trial by the look on my family's face. I was touched and shocked at the same time, 'Do you really mean that Harry?' I thought.

My mom leaned over and whispered, "Sweetheart, good job! This is almost the exact same thing that your father told my father the first time they met, amd his accent is very attractive, I now see why you like British men."

My father smiled and shook his hand, "Welcome to the family," he said. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding, my two older brothers cheered as they hugged and messed up my hair, the rest of the boys came up and hugged me, "congratulations, Sammey." said Louis, "thanks," I said.

After that it was time to introduce the boys, formally, to my brothers.

"Daniel, Vincent, this is Liam, Louis, Zayn, Niall, and Harry." I said. My brothers stared at them and then at me, "Good job little sister," said Daniel, "You scored the one that you wanted,"

"Be quiet." I said as I playfully hit him on his shoulder.

"Yeah don't you have a zillion posters of them in your room?" asked Vincent.


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