Don't be late!

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Soo... I really don't want to write down how our conversation reslly went, because I'm pretty sure you guys will think Im a kiss and tell, but Imma sum it up.

So pretty much the first thing that they asked me was how Harry had asked me out, I smiled as I remembered the scene..


It was after he had kissed, he had taken my hand and led me out of the jellyfish exhibit. We were near the main entrance, he told me to follow him outside, the moon was beautiful, it wasn't too high up, it was in the middle, and such a pretty color.

Harry cleared his throat, and blushed a little, he then took my hands and placed them on his heart.

"Do you feel that?" he asked, under my hands I could feel his heart beating like 1000 miles Per hour. I wasn't really sure where this was going, so I just nodded.

"I've never felt my heart beat so fast, for one person...well except my mom when she gets mad at me. But anyway, you make me feel like a normal person, and well I love you for that. And I wanted to ask you this simple question: Samantha Blake, will you do me the honor in being my girlfriend?...."


My two best friends smiled and hugged me, "Were so proud!" they said, and after that happy moment we took about two more hours of gushing about Liam and Zayn. So yeah I mean it was a pretty interesting night, well all went to sleep pretty late though, but somehow I just couldn't no matter how hard I tried.

So I got out of my bed and walked to the couch that was close to the window. As I looked outside and saw the moon I immediately thought of Harry, i smiled as I replayed today in my head. How soft lis lips were, how beautiful his eyes looked...

I squealed quietly then yawned, realizing that i was really sleepy. So I grabbed my phone and turned on the One Direction playlist quietly, the last thing I remember was Harrys voice singing, "If we could only have this life for one more say, if we could only turn back time..." then I fell asleep


I was walking by myself in New York City, I looked up, the lights on Times Square looked beautiful. As I looked down I heard my stomach growl, I smiled, 'I guess I'm hungry.' I thought as I searched for the nearest restaurant. In less than a minute I had already spotted a McDonalds and found myself heading towards it.

As I was walking towards the door I heard someone laughing, so I turned and saw a pretty girl with wavy autumn hair, her smile was dazzling, I had to like literally cover my eyes. I smiled and saw the guy that was with her smile a one dimpled smile. I felt my heart break the minute he turned to look at me with those gorgeous green eyes. All the lights in Times Square were turned off...

The only thing that was alive with happiness was that little spot where my boyfriend was seated with that girl. He stood up and was about to tell me something, but before he could say anything I ran.

'Dont show your feelings, Sammey,' I thought, 'You know better than to cry, that's what you taught yourself, never EVER cry.' but it was so hard, I had never loved anyone as much as Harry, and after all the times he told me that I was his special girl...

I ran across a road, not even bothering to look both ways, that's when I heard a car HONK! I turned, saw flashing lights, then nothing....


"Harry!" I yelled as I sat up, my breathing was ragged and I was sweating.

"Yes love?" I heard beside me, I screamed and punched whoever was next to me. I heard a SMACK then "OW!" I opened one eye and saw Harry rubbing him arm, "What did you do that for, love?" he asked.

I stared at him, then I reacted, "I'm sorry," I said as I rubbed his arm, " You startled me." I looked up at him and saw him smile that one dimpled smile at me. "A kiss will fix it."

I rolled my eyes, "Muah!" I said as I kissed his cheek, "There all better," he smiled.

" did you get in here?" I asked.

"that's nice, straight to the point."

I gently punched his shoulder, "Im serious Harry,"

"Don't worry," he said while chuckling, "remember that Monica gave Liam the key? Well...I woke up early a-"

"wait you WOKE up EARLY?" I interrupted him, "Yes," he replied, "and I wanted to see you."

"aw, your so sweet."

He kissed me, "you know...I love that you fell asleep listening to my album." he said as he motioned to my phone. I blushed, "Its sound so...good in the album."

"Good?" he said while smiling.

"She means Hot," someone yawned, we both jumped at this and I saw Monica rubbing her eyes. "Good morning, Harry," she said, "Good morning, Sammey."

"Good Morning." we both replied.

"So what are we doing today?" I asked, at this Harry shifted his feet, "That's why I came here too see you, love act-"

"So you didn't come to see me from your warm and fuzzy heart?" I interrupted him again.

"Love, you really need to stop interrupting me," he said while giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"I came here to tell you that the boys and I have to go talk to our manager and tell her what were going to do for this upcoming month, the boys and I also wanted to know at what time we're going to leave tomorrow."

"You know you could of just texted me that, right?" I asked.

"I know," he said while touching my cheek, "But I wanted to see you."

I looked down then I heard, "AW!" we both turned and saw Monica smiling, "you do know that you two are like the cutest couple in the entire world right?" Harry smiled, "So are you and Zayn," he said. At this Monica turned red and said, "you know what, I'm really tired, I'm going back to bed, goodbye Harry."

I laughed as she walked away, "You're so mean. Anyway, we're leaving tomorrow at six."

He tensed, "In the morning?" he asked, and I smiled, "Yes in the morning."

"But that's so early!" he whined.

"Hey! I'm not the one who begged me to buy him and his four best friends the ticket for the exact same time and bus."

He looked at me, "It's worth long as I get to sit next to you."


Then well...he leaned in and we kissed. As Harry was leaving he leaned his cheek for a goodbye kiss. I smiled and patted it and he pouted, "Aw! Harry! You know that I can't stand that face!" I whined as I covered my eyes, then I heard, "Sammey help!" I pulled my hands away from my face and was greeted my a kiss from Harry.

"You're lucky you're so cute, I would of already beaten you up." I grumbled while blushing.

He smiled, "I'll see you at the bus station at 6', he said as he started walking away.

"Don't be late!" I yelled after him, I only heard his laughter as he walked away. Yeah...knowing Harry,meh would be late.

(A/N okay guys(: thanks for reading this! I really appreciate it!(:

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