She's WHERE?!

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I, for the first time that week, was actually happy.

Last night was amazing and I know for sure that I had made the right descision to trust Brooke and Violet, I know. Thankfully, at the moment there wasnt any paparazzi today; another sign that today was going to be a great day. As I neared Starbucks I saw Harry there looking straight ahead towards someone, someone I couldnt see. I waved my arms to catch his attention, but he didnt seem to notice me.

So, I ran towards him and found out that Violet was there too holding his hand? They seemed to be talking about somthing serious, because Harry's eyebrow's were scrunched up and Violet was shaking her head. I honestly, could not hear a word that they said.

Violet muttered somthing and Harry sadly nodded and then I heard Harry say the words that would forever change my life.

 "I'll break up with her," he said as he took Violet's hand again and squeezed it, "I'll break up with Sammey and then we'll be alright."

"What?" i whispered.

 Violet and Harry's heads both whipped towards me at the sound of my voice and Violet released Harry's hand flushing furiously. Harry's face lit up like a kid on Christmas, "Babe!" he cried as he hugged me, but I pushed him back, and shook my head, tears stinging my eyes. He looked at me questioningly butsaid, "I really need to talk to you babe, it's important."

 "Well, you can say it right here," I replied, "In front of my Best Friend," I added venom to the last words and i saw Violet cringe.

"I don't think that's a good idea," he answered as he took my hand, "Let's talk for a bit shall we?"

 "What is it you wanted to tell me Harry," I said again, "that it's over between you and me?" Harry look agast, "What? No!" I raised an eyebrow, "Really Harry? Do you honestly think I'm that STUPID?! I heard what you told my FRIEND over here about us breaking up..." 

 Harry looked at Violet for a split second, but that was enough to tell me the truth, "I can't believe you two! My Best friend and my boyfriend!"

Cameras were now flashing but that was the only sound you could hear from the yelling that was going on between Harry and I.

 I don't remember where I started bawling my eyes out - oh yeah I do remember! (sadly) I started bawling my eyes out when Harry's calm face turned into somthing

that only reminded me of Cameron and it gave me chills to the bone. "You know what? LEAVE!" he roared "I don't want you here anymore, okay? I don't want you, now GO!"

 Yeah, then after that I ran out the modern cafe bawling my eyes out like a little girl.

I knew I probably started this whole thing, but I was in shock, I mean, how would you react if you just saw your best friend and you're boyfriend say, "I'll break up with her, then we'll be alright?"

Not so good, huh? I figured. And it hurt even more, what Harry said, was EXACTLY what Cameron said when we broke up. I know, what a  small world, huh?

I remember my eyes were drowning in their own pools of tears and my mind was running wild, I had no idea where i was going, but I honestly didnt care. I don'tknow how much I ran - "LOOK OUT!"

 I only had enough to process that command, and when I did look I saw flashing lights, a horrible HONK! and then nothing.

   Damn it couldn't my day get any worse?


I know that this is short! like massively short, but I promise to update later, probably tomorrow, most likely, and guys guess what! I can now update sooner I have a computer a brand new one and I can most definitely update sooner! :D

so.. yah I left you with a cliffhanger, I promise nobobdy will end up looking bad in this fic, I PROMISE!

and yeah, harry will clear everything out (hopefully is Sammey isn't too pigheaded) and Violet will have a nice life I PROMISE!

but i'm not telling you what's in between (;

comment, vote, whatever floats your boat!

fan me I fan back! :D

-Sammey xx

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