And so he spoke with her...

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  • Dedicated to To my fellow JCats<3

So this Sunday was a bad day for us all...
well kind of
Payzer is back ( and that's good (: I ship them so hard! <3  )
Haylor is real (So I've heard) and that's just a massive heartbreak to me :( )
and Union J left the X-Factor :( I freaking CRIED SO this chapter is dedicated to my fellow JCats and Union J - remember
this is only the beginning for those lads (:

(Brooke's POV)
 Sammey had left her phone charger at my place so I was walking to her and Harry's apartment to return it to her.

You see, I've always loved to go walking instead of driving, take right now for instance, I was close to Starbucks, which was about a good eight to ten blocks from the flat. The sun was shining and the air wasn't cold, it actually felt like it was going to be a good day, except when I saw a mob of people around something, all chattering exitedly but worriedly as well.

'Someone must have gotten hurt,' I thought, that was bad, poor person; but I'm sure that Sammey could wait a good ten minutes, she wouldn't mind if I looked around, besides, this would make a good story for me to tell her.

As I neared the accident I saw this one guy tellig the local police, "I didn't see her! I SWEAR she just JUMPED out of nowhere!"

I tried to ignore it, but I was having this really bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

And that was NEVER good.

 "Poor girl..."

"she looks dead..."

"Is she okay?"

"Did anyone call the ambulance?"

 "On their way..."

"Anybody know her?"

"Call her family..."

I was freaked out, WHO THE FREAK were they talking about? I had to push myself through the crowd so that I could see the person that everyone was cirled over, and boy what a sight that was, it made my blood turn ice cold and I nearly fainted on the spot.

 "Sammey!" I cried. Sammey was on the floor completely passed out, her head was bleeing and her arm was twisted in some weird way... she honestly looked dead.

 Suddenly flashing lights and sirens appeared out of nowhere scaring the crowd and I together, "coming through!" yelled one of the paramedics anxious to get to Sammey.

Two paramedics helped Sammey into a stretcher and carried her to the ambulance."Please!" I cried, "let me go with her! I'm her friend, I can tell you anything you need to know."

 The paramedic looked at me sternly before his eyes sofened and he said, "Get on board miss." I sprinted to the ambulance; afraid that it would somehow leave without me and I had to hold back a sob at the sight of Sammey looking pale and...well...dead.

 I took her hand carefully, she looked so damaged, I didn't want to hurt her even more than she already was. The paramedic asked me to step back and he placed an oxygen mask on Sammey's cut up face, my mind was racing, I didn't know what to do, I was in shock even though the answer was right in front of me: call Harry.

Suddenly Sammey started shaking and her eyes popped open. I could see her brown eyes staring at me, then they rolled back and her body shook awfully. The paramedic shooed me out of the way to put two paddles on Sammey's chest and shouted "charge to 200 ready CLEAR!"

Sammey's back arched and I watched in horror as my best friend started dying right in front of me.

And I couldn't do anything to save her.

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