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'Vas Happen Boys? Vas Happen Boys?'

I saw Liam smirk at the song, then he sang in full blast, "They lived with Zayn and their room was vile, Vas Happen Boys, Vas Happen Boys?"

'Did you know Harry's such a slob? He needs to win X- Factor ' cause he can't get a job!'


"And Oh! Louis needs a boat!" I heard Niall sing, " He dresses like he owns one cuz he's got no other clothes!"

" They really need your vote!" I chimed in, "Vas Happen boys, Vas Happen Boys?"

"Mick Jagger could be Harry's dad!" Sang Zayn, "Vas Happen mum? Vas Happen Mick?"

" When Liam sings he makes his face look sad!" Sang Louis as he made a pouty face, "Vas Happen song? Vas Happen sad?"

" And Zayn's the master of echoes!" I screeched, "Echo, Echo!" Cried Louis as he took my hands and spun me around.

'And Niall was raised by leprecauns, so he won't ever grow!' I heard Niall laugh at that part then sang along with Liam, " And oh! Louis needs that boat, he dresses like he owns one and its becoming a joke!"

" They really need your vote!" Sang Louis, "Vas Happen Boys?" We all sang as we danced around, "Vas Happen Boys?"

When Louis spun me around i saw Harry, Daniel, and Vincent staring at me with shock on their faces. I screeched to a stop which caused Liam, Louis, Niall, and Zayn to ALL fall down on top of me.

We all stared at my brothers and Harry and they stared back at us, "Vas Happen boys?" I sang weakly as Harry burst out laughing.

" And you like her?" Asked Daniel once Harry was done laughing at our stupidity, Harry smiled and said, " Yeah, i like her, a lot."

" Well then goodluck brother," said Vincent as he clasped his hand on Harry's back, " You're going to need it." Continued Daniel as he snickered, " You got yourself a good one, little sister," he said as Vincent and him walked away.

The boys got off of me and they helped me get up while Harry laughed in Zayn's face, " You should have seen your face!" He laughed, " You were like-" he made a weird face, " It was hilarious!"

Everyone started laughing, even me, then i realized that it was dinner time. I stuck my head out of the kitchen and yelled, "DINNER IS READY!"

In less than a minute everyone was downstairs and sittingcomfortably in our table.

Dinner, I'm glad to say went well, Niall ate ad much as anybody, my mom accidentally handed Liam a spoon which made allof us laugh, my brothers and Louis kept teasing Zayn about how he was a 'Beauty Queen,' and Harry was holding my hand under the table, making me blush. Yeah, okay fine, i think this will be a good month. I'm sure everything will turn out fine.


Sorry my lovelies this chapter was so SHORT! I kind of have writers block and i have no idea what to write! But not to worry! Tomorrow is the reunion!... 

I have a special surprise for that chapter! 

So comment, Rate, Vote, you know the drill!(":  

Bye! xx


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