From the moment i met you

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Well... today i Shall write Chapter 21 ! and horrifying as it sounds, as I'm working on this I'm basically an emotional mess. Thank you for the reads!!! 900?! wow you guys are amazing! and well...ENJOY!! this chappie!(:  

Oh i almost forgot Happy Belated Birthday Niall !(:  

i hope you ate Nandos :D


"WHAT?!" we all cried out.

"I am sending out Paul and a group of guards to pick up the boys tomorrow at six so boys pack your stuff."

"Wait you can't do that!" i cried, I mean I had just met Harry, and i loved him. He was perfect. I can't just.... you know... let him leave..

"Yes, i can, I'm their manager and they signed a contract, and you have no say in this!" I bit my cheek, hard, and sat down, my blood was boiling. I felt so mad! but deep down i knew that inside i was in a fetal position crying my eyes out.

"Well i must be leaving, so much work so little time," i heard Richard say happily.

'More like wrangling people's lives' i thought angrily.

"Bye boys I'll see you tomorrow.... and it was nice meeting you Samantha."

"That's Miss. Blake to you." i spat out.

I could just imagine him grinning a horrid smile as he said, "Miss Blake." before he hung up.

I was met with five pairs of eyes. "Sammey?" asked Harry, his beautiful green eyes searching mine. I looked down, "huh?" i asked. I felt his hand light my chin up, "babe." he said.

I couldn't hold it anymore, with a strangled cry, i threw myself at him and out of all the things i could do, i started bawling like a big baby.

I don't exactly remember much, all i actually remember was the fabric of Harry's shirt, some voices and then a pair of strong arms, most likely Harry's, carrying me to my room.


Sometime later, i have no idea when, i woke up. I expected to be alone in my room so i could just cry without anyone seeing me, but as soon as i pulled my knees to my chest and let out a sob, someone pulled me close and hugged me.

I, of course, reacted and pushed the person away because i never cried in front of someone, but the person was so persistent.

"Stop, pushing me babe." said the person, "we only have so much time," he added quietly.

I gripped his shirt tightly, and nodded slightly, "I'm going to miss you," i choked out.

He detached me from him and smiled a not so convincing smile, "We can text babe! erm... skype, we have Twitter.." his curls fell, covering his face.

It was in that instant that i realized that he was probably worse than i was, i just plainly wasn't being a good girlfriend.

I hugged him so that i was patting those trusled curls, "" i said, "it'll be okay babe, w-well get through this, i promise. And yeah ! your right, we do have all these things so that we can talk. It'll be okay. I promise."

Harry sniffled and nodded, "Yeah, w-we'll be okay."

"Good," i replied, not completely sure sure where i was going with this, "There's no use in being sad on our last day together."

He broke free of my hug and then he hugged me so that we were snuggling together, he rocked me back and forth slowly. "What shall we do today?"

I looked at my bedside clock, its bright numbers were staring at me, reminding me of the short time that i had with Harry.

I felt my heart hurt.

"Well babe," i said quietly, "It's almost 10, right now we really can't to anything unless i want to get grounded. Why dont you go and tell the lads that tomorrow we'll see what we can do while i get ready for bed okay?"

Harry nodded and kissed my forehead, "Okay babe, i'll be back soon," he said beore he left.

Right after he exited my room i quickly ran to go get my pijamas, (My snoopy ones) and ran to the restroom, I needed some "Me" time.

As soon as i locked the door i walked to the sink and stared at myself in the mirror. My eyes looked vacant...extrememly vacant. My expression looked blank and those who actually know me, (like Monica and Cinthia) know that if i have no expression on my face whatsover, something is massively wrong with me.

I didnt want Harry to leave yet, i didnt know what i would do without him. Yeah i know that it was only a matter of time before he had to leave, but that wasn't for two weeks. I felt tears streek my cheeks and i brushed them away angrily.

Everything would have been okay if it wasnt for Amber! she was the one who had to go and freak out about 'Harry Styles!'

I sighed, there was nothing i could do now about Harry leaving, i thought, slowly i put my pijamas on and left the bathroom.

When i got back to my room Harry wasnt there, i noticed that Harry wasnt in my room, 'How odd,' i thought, and before i knew it someone was covering my eyes.

"Guess who and you win a prize," i heard a husky voice say.

I giggled, "Well could it be....Channing Tatum?"

"Ew, no, someone much more fit than him."

"Oh my god theres someone hotter than Channing Tatum?!"

He uncovered my eyes and i saw a very serious looking Harry.

"I'm just kidding babe!" i smiled as i pecked his lips, "nobody is more fit than you,"

"no no," he said as he jumped on my bed and dissaprered under the covers, "go cuddle Channing Tatum."

I laughed, "Okay then I'll just go and cuddle Niall, bye Harry."

I saw Harry shot up from the bed, he held out his arms, "I changed my mind," he said, "Come cuddle with me."

I smiled and flew into his arms, we cuddled for a couple of minutes, i could smell his faint calone, and his lips on my forehead.

He lifted my head up and kissed me softly. And the fireworks popped everywhere!

I honestly thought that his lips were just molded for mine, because they felt perfect.


as you can tell this was a very crappy chapter i know and im sorry, not one of the best though :( but its just getting good! i didnt really know what to write for this one so i just winged it up a bit, but i have everyhting planned out for the next one...and not to mention the next one is where the boys leave...

I wonder how Sammey will take it? O:  

So i decided to do something diffrent, please please pretty please with Harry on top, leave a comment, tell me how i did, tell me what you want in the next chapter, i dont know just leave something! please?

Dont forget to click the vote button! and fan me too! i always fan back!(:

bye lovelies!(:


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