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kajfiajf 6,134 reads? Do you know how happy I am right now? VERY! :D aha, anyway I think after next chappie is officially the LAST ONE o: omg D:

ALSO! I dedicate this chapter to my friend Potter_Who_1D because she's awsome and i love her story Magical you should def read it! :D 
She also said that my banner was and I quote "Amazeballs" aha aw nobody comments on my banners ever! So I just wanted to say thank you! :DD 


*~Sammey's  POV *~ 

'You, you got this spell on me, I- I don't know what to believe kiss me now 'cos I can't breathe, everything you do is Magic'

I sighed and ripped out my headphones from my ears and checked my phone; Cinthia hadn't texted me back for quite some time now. Hmm, guess she was having more fun on that roller coaster than she though she was.

'And Cinthia said she was freaking out,' I thought and then laughed. That girl sure knows when to go overexageratted. I looked up at the ceiling before starting my homework again. Oh gods, three hours of Pre-Cal straight... now that deserved a medal. I was about to plug in my headphones back when I heard someone knock, "Yes?" I asked and was shocked to see my mom come in. 

"Hi sweetie," she said, her eyes showing nothing but sincereness, "I feel bad that it's a Friday and you're here studying, don't you want to go and have fun with Cinthia and Monica at the carnival?" 

I was taken aback, my MOM wanted me to ditch schoolwork and go to a carnival with my two best friends... what? "Okay, who are you, and what have you done to my mother?"

Mom chuckled, "she's right here," she replied as she sat down on my bed, "You've been studying too hard, go and have fun with your friends, you can get back to studying tomorrow." I looked at her, "Ma, I really don't think th-" 

"I told your dad that you were going to be like this," she sighed, and then she took my books away from me and stood up, "get dressed, Daniel's taking you to the carnival, I'm sure Cinthia will let you spend the night at her house. Have fun, please." she said and before I knew it she walked out of my room, my books in her hands.

What. The. Fuck? 


So here I was ten minutes later at the carnival full of people; despite it being ten o' clock it was still pretty full, these carnivals can last up to three in the morning if I'm being quite honest with myself. I didn't know where the girls were and I really didn't want to text them. I wanted to surprise them with me being here, maybe scare the crap out of Monica or something. The last place I remember Cinthia telling me was that they were waiting in line for some ride called "Titanium" and when I saw it I immediately understood Cinthia's fear.

"Fuck." I said. The ride itself was REALLY tall, I couldn't exactly get a good estimate of how big it was, mind you that's the reason I had to study so hard for math. I sucked at it. I could hear the people on the ride screaming their heads off and if I squinted hard enough I could barely make out the people on the ride holidng on the bar for dear life. 'Jesus.'  

My feet started taking me to the ride, 'I swear,' I thought, 'If the girls are in the line, I'm dragging one of them out to wait here with me. There's NO way I'm riding that.' 

As I walked to the ride I looked around, 'maybe once I've dragged one of the girls out of the ride, I'll get a funnel cake,' I thought, those were damn good. I could hear my stomach rumble at the thought of a funnel cake, but when I turned my head to the right a bit, I saw both Monica and Cinthia there; they seemed to be arguing with some guy.

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