You don't know your beautiful

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I explained to the guys that I was having a family reunion and my parents already wanted to meet them. I also told them that we were leaving in two days, and to be honest, they looked like little kids in a candy store. I finally understood the phrase.

They all asked questions about my family and house, I told them what I could, but there were also some things that I wanted them to find out, especially Harry.

Liam and Zayn both shut up when Monica and Cinthia came out. Cinthia's long brown hair was now slightly wavy, she looked beautiful in a black dress, her eyes a smoky grey and her lips a were luscious in a pretty pink coat.

Monica her dress was super cute, it looked like one of those 1950's dresses, she looked gorgeous as well, she didn't have any makeup on except for her signature eyeliner. The reaction on the boys was enough to look that they looked beautiful.

Harry then whispered into my ear, "I think you look more beautiful," I shivered.

"So where are we going?" asked Monica.

"To dinner, then we have a surprise for you." answered Zayn as he looked into her eyes, then I felt Harry slide his fingers in my hand. I blushed and looked down, "Shall we?" asked Cinthia, she was looking at me,smiling. I smiled and stood up, not taking my hand away from Harry, "We shall." I said.

As we walked outside, I noticed that we weren't riding in the limo like last time, we were driving in a shiny black ford, I asked Harry what restaurant we were going to go eat, but he only smiled and said, "It's the most fanciest place you will ever be in." he promised as he led me into the ford. We didn't really fit in the car so I had to sit in Harry's lap, and let me tell you something, it was UNCOMFORTABLE, Monica has to sit in Zayn's lap, and I could tell she was enjoying it because she got to hug Zayn, Cinthia was sitting in Liam's lap and they were both flirting and talking nonstop.

I laughed out loud when I saw the "fancy restaurant."

"Oh my god, Dominios!" cried Monica, "I love Domino's!" I looked at Harry , his green eyes were sparkling, " picking Domino's was just a coincidence after I told you that I haven't had pizza in the longest time?" I asked.

Harry smiled his one dimpled smile that always made my heart stop, "Yup." he said as he took my hand and led me to the restaurant.

The place was empty, since we took FOREVER, into changing, as Louis happily explained to us, so it was nearly 10:00 pm. So we picked the booth farthest into the back and sat down, as soon as we finished discussing what we were going to order a waitress showed up, which was odd, because I really remembered that we were supposed to go order, not the other way around.

The waitress was stunning, she had blue eyes, and shiny black hair that put my dark hair to shame. She seemed to know who they were because she looked directly at Harry and said, "Would you like anything, Mr. Styles?"

Harry looked up and smiled at her, though not the one that he wears for me, "Yes," he said politely, "we would like to order 3 large pizzas, one pepperoni, one Hawaiian and the last one meat please." Harry then looked at me and said, "That's all right, love?"  

"Yeah, I think that's it." I replied.

"Anything to drink?" asked the waitress, "I'll have a Dr. Pepper," said Monica, "me too," piped Zayn, I guess everyone seemed to love Dr. pepper because in 

Total there was a set of eight Dr. Peppers.

The waitress gave me a cold stare as she left, 'I don't care,' I thought, 'she's just jealous because Harry is my date.' and without thinking about it, I slipped my hand into his.

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