We'd have a Last Kiss...

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 Wow you guys! have you seen the reads!?!? I'm almost to 3,000!! :D

I really want to thank you! :3 So, today I just finished taking my Reading EOC and for now I am free until Monday of course... since I take my History EOC that day, then the week after that i have it so busy becaues thats the week of finals .___. but after that its christmas vacation! Maybe I'll add a little chapter of two of my other favorite characters hmm... i dont know yet (; thats for you guys to decide, if you want the little bonus chapter comment down below that you want it! Or if you want i'll just continue the story and hopefully finish it in those two weeks! :3 anyway this chappie is dedicated to SmileLikeALoser for making my new cover for 'Best vacation So far...' I mean ISNT IT THE BEST THING EVER!?!?! I really, really, really

like it <3 Thank you for the wonderful cover i really appreciate it! this chappie is for you!

Go read her stories and fan her, she's such a lovely person! (':


(Sammey's POV)

 My body hurt all over, especially my chest! I didnt know where I was and i wasnt exactly sure i wanted to find out anyway. I couldnt open my eyes so i had to rely on my ears. Everytime i would hear the door wooosh open i tried to say something, but i couldnt.

 In fact, i couldnt move whatsoever. I couldnt open my eyes, move my hand, or even talk for that matter. WHAT HAD HAPPENED TO ME?!?! At this presice moment I heard the door open and i tried, yet again, to talk to the person but my mouth wouldnt move.

"Sammey?" i heard someone say.

My mind reeled, i knew that voice anywhere. It's the voice that i had been dreaming of since i first heard it, ever since i heard him sing. He's also the voice that destroyed my heart. 'God what do you want Harry?' I thought at him, knowing that he wouldnt respond to the comment.

"how are you doing?" he asked and i felt him pick up my hand in his soft ones and stroke my thumb softly. 'Well i'm peachy Haz, I'm in some strange place in a foreign country stuck with you.' I knew that was being a bit too mean, but he deserved it, 'Why dont you go with your girlfriend, Violet,' i thought sourly at him,

'You did break up with me to be with her.' I felt my heart break a little bit more at the memory of them holding hands.

 "I love you, you know." he said, "I know that you're probably mad at me right now, but i cant stay away from you. Management is getting a bit grouchy about me coming here all the time instead of going to rehearsal, but you're my girlfri- i mean... ex- girlfriend," i heard him correct himself sadly, "and besides i promised your parents that i would take care of you."

 I felt my heart melt a little at that, but then I quickly reminded myself why i hated him.

"Why wont you open your eyes," i heard him whisper, his voice craking on 'open'.

"Its been two weeks already," he continued sighing at the end.  

 'Thats a good question,' i thought sadly, 'i want to know too Hazza.' "Hey did i ever tell you the time where the lads and I were in a radio interview and Niall spilled his tea all over the table that he was sitting in and Louis gave him hell for that instead of Liam?"  

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