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I'm so BORED!" moaned Cinthia as she banged her head on the wall.

"you know," I said, "if you end up mentally retarded, Imma laugh at you."

Cinthia threw me the finger and I laughed, yeah this was a real party, well we tried going to the pool, but it ended up really bad.


Cinthia, Monica and I were walking to the pool when a bunch of guys whistled at us. We all stopped and turned, there were three guys. One of them was really tall, muscular and had spiky hair, the other one had semi long hair, and the last one was just bald.

"Hey babes," said the tall one, "where are you three going?"

"We're going to go eat McDonalds," Cinthia said as she motioned to all of our bikinis, "where do you think we're going?"

All three guys laughed, the tall one looked at me in a sweeping motion as he said, "Damn fine."

"she has a boyfriend," said Monica, "that can kick your sorry hind!" continued Cinthia.

"I don't care," said the guy as he grabbed my arm, "she's ours and we're going to have fun with her this evening, aren't we boys?" his weird looking friends nodded.

I immediately kicked him, where a man should not be kicked and hit him on the head with my knee. "I have a boyfriend," I said as he groaned on the floor. The other two goons stared at me with shock in their eyes, "You guys want to take me too?" I asked, they both shook their heads as they grabbed their fellow comrade and left.

"I guess that's what you learn when you live with two older brothers." said Monica. At that we all laughed and just canceled the pool trip.


So yeah after that interesting incident, Cinthia was banging her head against a wall, Monica was in the room doing who knows what and I, well... I was just there, starring at the wall. Well...not really I was actually daydreaming about Harry but oh well.

We had already packed and decided to sleep early, since we knew that we weren't really going to sleep with the guys there. So I laid down and closed my eyes...


I was in London, looking at Big Ben, I couldn't believe it, I was here in London! My eyes gleamed as I continued watching the gigantic clock. I heard someone laughing so I turned around and saw my two best friends in the entire world, Monica and Cinthia. I smiled amd waved to them, but they didn't seem to notice me. I tried calling out to them, but my voice didn't reach them, finally I just decided to walk towards them. As I was walking, I saw the guys head towards Monica and Cinthia. Monica hugged Zayn, and Cinthia hugged Liam, but to be honest I was just looking at Harry, he seemed to be looking for someone.

'He's probably looking for me,' I thought.

I started running towards him, 'I can't wait to hug him!' I thought.

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