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Harry lend me one of his button down shirts , it fit me HUGE, it felt as if I was wearing nothing but this shirt, you couldn't even see my shorts.

"'re a fatty Harry." I mumbled as I walked out of the bathroom.

"What did you say?" said a voice.

I turned and saw Harry Styles shirtless and in his boxers, so I did something smart, I screamed and turned around. "Holy mother of god, Harry put some clothes on!"

"I am!" he whined, "Usually I sleep natural."

As much as that didn't terrify me, I tried hard not to show it.

I put my poker face on and looked at him. Okay...I'm only going to say this for those who are reading this. He looked...okay. His chest was formed, he had a small six pack and okay fine, he looked good in his underwear. There I said it!

"See something you like?" he snickered.

I snapped out of the trance that I was in, and said, "So...where am I going to sleep?"

He walked to his bed and patted it.

"Okay there is no way I'm sleeping with you in your bed!"

"While you were changing in my bathroom, all, the guys agreed that we should share a room." he said in a matter of fact tone.

"What about Monica and Cinthia?" i questioned.

"Monica is asleep I'm Zayn's room and Cinthia is sharing a room with Liam. Louis and Niall are sharing a room as well, though I don't think Louis was happy about that. So that just leaves you and me together."

I looked at the floor, 'oh my god,' I thought, 'I was being held against my will to sleep in the same bed as Harry Styles, maybe I could sleep on the floor...'

"Fine," I said, "But just so you know, I push people off the bed." Harry smiled his one dimpled smile, "Its fine love." I turned the lights off and climbed on the bed with Harry and closed my eyes.

I could see flashes and bits of the movie in my head. Katie's screams and all the demonic things, I didn't even know I was shaking until I head Harry's voice say, "Love, you're shaking." I tried to stop, but couldn't. Then Harry slipped his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him, he put s head on the crook of my neck. "I'm here." he breathed, "I'll protect you."

My mind screamed "Slap him! Slap him!" but I didn't, somehow having Harry close relaxed me, I even fell into a dreamless sleep.

I woke up the next morning to giggling and flashing lights.

"You forgot to take off the flash!" whispered a voice.

"Sorry!" whispered another.

"our Sammey is growing up," said a voice I easily recognized as Monica.

"and with Harry, no less." said another voice , which a automatically knew as Cinthia.

I groaned and tried to turn but found out that someones arm was around my waist. That made me open my eyes and I saw 6 pairs of eyes just starring at me. That obviously startled me, so I screamed, which woke Harry up, (And I have to say that itself is a MIRACLE) and caused us both to tumble to the ground.

Everyone laughed while I burned on the inside. I stood up and was about to bitch at them when Louis yelled in mock horror, "Harry! How could you?!" I looked at Louis who was pointing to the shirt I was wearing. Harry grumbled and slowly stood up, "Sammey where are your shorts?" questioned Niall.

"Under the shirt," I said as I lifted it up a bit.

"oh," he said, "Why are you wearing his shirt again?"

"Cuz I got scared by the movie and accidentally dumped water on my night shirt." I answered without skipping a beat.

"She spilllled wateeerr on her shirrt." slurred Harry as he climbed back into bed.

Suddenly, I see Liam get a devilish look on his face, he opened his mouth and said loudly, "Zayn! Stop trying to snogg Sammey!" at that Harry jumped out of bed and looked at Zayn.

"What?" we both said in unison.

"Good you're finally awake." piped Liam, "I wanna take the girls out-"

"But then we'd have to change," I interrupted him, "I was getting there," he said calmly.

"oh...sorry. I give you permission to continue."

"Thanks so much." he mumbled, "anyway, I asked Monica and she told me its alright for us to wait at their hotel room while they change."

"Yeah," smiled Monica, "So I left Liam the key to our door in the hotel, so that when they finished changing they can just come in and make themselves comfortable."

"So how are we going to get home?" I asked.

"our limo could give you a ride." Harry said, finally awake.

So it was settled, we were going out with the guys.

"I love how you guys just decided this without asking," I said once we were inside the limo.

"Stop trying to change the conversation Sammey," said Cinthia. "Spill the details. What happened with you and Harry last night?"

To be honest ... I had no clue what they were talking about until Monica whispered it to me in my ear.

"Oh for the mother of god NO! We did NOTHING LIKE THAT! My GOD what is WRONG WITH YOU GUYS!?!?"

They both laughed while I was having a panic attack, "We were just messing with you sweetheart," said Monica, "We know you wouldn't do something like that but I have to admit you both looked cute when you were sleeping."

Monica whipped out her camera and showed me the picture of Harry and I asleep on the bed.

Harry's head was on the crook of my neck, his arm was around my waist, he was smiling, he looked so cute. I was smiling also but my hand was on his arm as if I was holding it.

I smiled as I saw the picture.

"Guys...I have something to tell you." I said.

They both leaned in, "I think...I'm actually starting to have some feelings for Harry."

They both squealed and smiled at me, "it's about time you said it," said Cinthia. "Yes sweetheart," continued Monica, "it was pretty obvious that that you were liking him. I mean you did before you met him."

"No, no! Guys...this is more...I mean I feel as if I'm on air when I'm near him." I said.

"Oh my god." they both said, "She's in love!"

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