Chapter Three

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Saturday finally arrived, and I couldn't be happier. Of course, the teachers had given us homework, mainly to ruin my mood for the weekend (or that was my theory anyway) but I'd probably leave that to the last minute like always. I just was glad my first week was over and done with. I'd began to settle in and find my way around, even though it still seemed massive to me. I'd discovered which teachers were alright and kinda friendly and which ones I should just keep my head down when they're around; I'd found some friends and surprisingly, I hadn't gotten a detention (yet).

Dad had a whole weekend shift so I had the house to myself for Saturday (apart from at night) and most of Sunday. Good. I liked having my own company and being alone in the house because I could basically  do anything I wanted.

On Saturday, I woke up at 11, lounged in my pyjamas, binge-watching Scrubs, one of my favourite shows. At around 2, my phone pinged. Luke.

Hey. U wanna go to town? Get a shakeaway?

Yh, sure. Should be fun.

Gd. See u in half an hour? Outside Topman?

Make it an hour? Still in my pj's. XD

Lazy bugger! See u then x

Yeah c ya x

My heart flipped when he included that kiss. I'd fallen for him, I knew that much. Shaking my head, I ran upstairs, pulled a towel out of the airing cupboard, started blasting music from my phone and turned on the shower. Stripping off my pyjamas, I jumped in the hot blast of water and squeezed shower gel into my hand. I decided my hair didn't need washing and that it didn't look too bad. When all the soap had washed away down the drain, I stood in the water for a few more minutes before getting out and drying myself and then wrapping my hair in a towel.

I pulled out a pair of dark blue jeans and my 'Central Perk' t shirt before pulling on my underwear. When I was dressed, I blow dried my hair and ran my straighteners through it. I still had 40 minutes.

I hurriedly put on some make up, not bothering with eyeliner because it would take too long. When I was done, I had 15 minutes before I'd have to leave so I put some more Scrubs on and then left. I hated leaving when I was in the middle of anything, but I didn't want to be late.

When I got to Topman, surprisingly Luke wasn't there so I played on Crossy Road for a bit before a familiar ginger head got in the way of my screen.

"Rude." I breathed.

"I'm perfectly polite, but you were concentrating. I had to interrupt. Anyway, can we just head in here? Need a new pair of jeans. My other ones have a hole in the butt."

"Lovely. C'mon then." He led the way. He took me to the male jeans section where he spent ages looking through the black skinny jean section, when they were basically all the same!!

"Luke I swear I'm growing grey hairs here. Just choose a pair! They're basically all the same!" I moaned.

"No, these ones are ripped, and these ones are a slightly lighter black and then these ones are just black."

"Just fucking choose some!" I shouted. Luke grinned at me, happy he had succeeded in his mission to annoy me.

"I'll get these," he said, fondling the normal black skinny jeans, "Just let me find my size." When he found it, we went to the till and paid before heading off to get a shakeaway. 

As we entered, I had the realisation that I'd have to choose a flavour and not have the rest of the shop moaning at me. I hadn't had a shakeaway in a few years and struggled to remember what my usual was. Then it struck me: malteser and white kinder bueno.

When we got up to the til, Luke muttered to me "On me," before he began to order.

"Can I have a Cadbury caramel and hershey's cookies 'n' cream and-"

"Malteser and white kinder bueno please." I added. The lady went off to make them. "She looks happy."

"Yeah. Happiest woman in the world." He pulled out a tenner, and gave it to the lady when she came back.

"Here you go." She said, handing us the milkshakes as Luke gave her the money. We got the change and left the shop, sitting on a bench opposite the shop.

"Oh my God this is good." I sighed, taking a sip.

"When was the last time you had one of these?" Luke asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Probably about two years ago. I just never really got the chance, ok? Don't judge me." I bowed my head in sorrow.

"Judging you." He grinned, taking a sip of his. We sat on the bench, watching the world go by, as my Dad would say before we finished our milkshakes and stood up.

"I need to get some hair dye. Mr Branston told me I'm not allowed purple hair or some shit."

"It's stupid. We should be allowed to do what we want with our bodies when we're at school. It's our body."

"Yeah, I agree. But it's to make the school look good, isn't it? They can't have one kid with purple hair coz it looks like they don't care. But they don't care. Not about us anyway. Not really. It's all about grades and Ofstead." We turned into Boots and I browsed the hair dye section.

"I guess. This is why I hate the British Education system." Luke muttered as I inspected a packet of brown hair dye.

"May as well go for this. It's a bit like my natural colour and they can't moan at me then." We went to the till to pay for it and then left, heading in the general direction of the "good" shops.

I dragged Luke into Lush and I bought a few bath bombs before we went round shops like Primark, New Look, HMV and Waterstones. I didn't buy too much but I did end up poorer than I was 24 hours ago.

I bought the hair dye, a few more tops from Primark, an LED light from New Look, All Time Low badges, an old MCR poster and Jurassic World from HMV, and then from Waterstones I got Far From You by Tess Sharpe and The Manifesto on How To Be Normal by Holly Bourne.

As we stepped out of Waterstones, I felt the first few wet drops of rain so I looked up to the sky. It was grey and bursting with rain. As if reading my mind, the clouds let rip and rain bounced off the pavement, making puddles. 

"Shit." I hissed as I raced back for cover in the Waterstones entrance. Luke smirked, still dry because he hadn't moved. "You wanna come back to mine? We're catching the bus, there's no way I'm walking in this."

"Sure." I grabbed his wrist and began to pull, eager to get to the bus stop.

"OW! EMMA STOP! FUCKING STOP!" He roared, wrenching his arm away from my grip and cradling his wrist.

"What's wrong?" I asked, confusion in my voice. His sleave was pushed up slightly and I saw some harsh red lines across his wrist. Horrified, I grabbed his wrist whilst he tried to pull away from me and pushed his sleeve up. Dozens of scars lined his forearm, making me feel slightly dizzy. I looked at him, worry in my expression.

"Emma- I can explain."

Luke's Angel// LEMMA\\ #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now