Chapter Twenty Five

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Easter soon rolled around, which I was greatful for but also nervous for. It just meant that our exams were coming closer and the end of school was near. My revision wasn't going too well and I didn't want to lose contact with my friends. The only positive outcome of leaving school was running away with Emma and starting a new future, away from our troubles.

We didn't even have a proper plan. Neither of us have jobs and we're both still under 18, so we had no idea how we'd rent a flat or even be allowed to rent a flat. It all kind of seemed like a fantasy, but I was sure we'd work something out. We had to work something out.

Easter Monday; 4 days into the holidays and I was already bored. We weren't doing anything for two weeks, so I texted Emma to see what she was doing.

Hey, what you doing? X

Nm tbh, you want me to come up? X

Would be nice. We could do some baking with all the chocolate I have xx

You don't eat chocolate x

I know but my relatives don't know that, I only got one vegan easter egg from Mum x

Oh well sure we could make  easter nests and cakes? X

Sounds good x

I've just realised you wouldn't be able to eat any of it coz it wouldn't be vegan hahahaha x

We'll just use my vegan egg then xx

Fair enough, be there in 15 xx

I turned off my phone, getting out the shredded wheat, easter egg, gelatin-free mini marshmallows, and ingredients we'd need for cakes and googling  a vegan cupcake recipe on my phone.

I checked my appearance in the window of the oven, smoothing my hair down. "Is Emma coming over?" I turned around to see my sister standing behind me, a wide smirk on her face.

"Yeah. Where are you going anyway?"

"Town with my mates. Mum said I could go."

"Won't most of the shops be closed? And which mates?"

"No, they'll be open until 4. And I'm going with Ethan, Maisie and Maddie, not that you need to know."

"Ooohhhh Ethan!!!" I teased, poking her in the stomach.

"Shut up!" She laughed, crossing her arms.

"Well we all know Madsie is a thing, so you could hook up with Ethan."

"I'm allowed to have guy friends, you have friends like Dodie and Cherry and you haven't been out with them!!"

"Good point. Well, have fun, stay safe!" I laughed as she poked her tongue out at me, stepping outside.

Emma stepped through the still open door, saying hi to Katie. "Hey." I said, as she wrapped her arms around me and I placed a kiss on her forehead. 

"Let's do some baking!" Emma cheered.

"Did I hear someone's doing some baking?" My Mum called, sticking her head round the door frame. I rolled my eyes.

"We can't fault you on your hearing. But yeah, we are."

"I want some when it's done. And any mess that you make you're clearing up."

"Yeah yeah Mum we know." She smiled, and left, humming an unrecognisable tune.

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