Chapter Twenty Four

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Okay, before this chapter starts, I'm just gonna say it; there is smut in this chapter. If you're sensitive to anything like that, then there is a warning just before it, so you can skip through it, but I just wanted to tell you all that...

"Happy Valentine's day bae." I said, when Luke phoned me.

"You too." He said.

"What time are you coming round?"

"How about five?" Good. I'd got him a really good present. Well, I thought I had. I'd got him a metal plectrum engraved with the words Sexy Legs and a little angel pendant on a chain. I thought it was cute. And I'd also found a Justin Bieber toothbrush to give to him, seeing as he was obsessed with him and called Justin his senpai.

"Sure." I said.

I looked out of my window. It was finally half term and everything was out early; daffodils, cherry blossom, all the flowers. It looked really pretty and perfect for Valentine's day.

As I was eating lunch, I got a phone call from Cherry.

"So what are the plans for tonight guys?" Cherry teased, giggling.

"We don't really know, I guess it's gonna be spontaneous."

"Ooohhh spontaneous!" She echoed. "Hey, guess what? I actually have a date tonight!" Cherry continued.

"Oh my god, who with?" I gasped, filling with excitement

"I'll show you a picture. His name's George." A picture of a guy with sandy hair, sea green eyes and freckles dotted across his nose and cheeks popped up in our text conversation. He was tanned, with a chiselled jawline and what looked like the beginning of a six pack.

"Oh god he's hot. Is he even real?"

"Yeah, I've met him a couple of times. He goes to St Vincent's, and he asked me for my number, we got talking and he asked me out! He's so nice and funny, Em," she sighed, a dreamy expression in her voice.

"Aw I'm pleased for you." I wanted to give her a hug, but of course I couldn't. We talked for a bit, and then I left Cherry to get ready for her date. I hoped it would go well.

I called Luke to tell him the news, describing George in detail, calling him hot.

"Can I just butt in?" Luke sighed, "You called him hot! You never call me hot!"

"Darling, you're positively gorgeous, and I love you, but he is hot." Luke didn't respond, so I added, "Of course you're way hotter."

"I know. Anyway, you'll never guess what I saw!!"


"Okay, so I was walking my dog in the park, as you do, when I see two figures on a bench, kissing. As I walk closer, I saw it was two guys, and the one guy, the guy with black hair started dotting kisses down the other guy's neck and the other guy starts groaning, 'Oh Phil, you know that turns me on, fuck.'
"I had no clue what to do, so I kinda just stood there, watching. My dog did too. I had to stop it, so I gave a small cough and they stopped abruptly. It was Dan and Phil. Dan looked at me sheepishly, a blush growing up his face. 'Shit' Phil said. They both looked so messy. They were getting it on so hard. Dan asked me how long I had been there, and I said a minute or so and then they explained they thought they'd be okay in the park. Dan's Dad is homophobic, and Phil got bullied at his last school for being gay, so they'd decided to keep it a secret. I told them it was obvious anyway and that they were safe now Derek's gone. Like, everyone ships Phan, don't they?
"They left then, apologising. Don't tell anyone though. It was just so adorable, I couldn't not tell you!"

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